Example sentences of "[noun sg] appeared [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet no part of this extravaganza appeared to be derelict .
2 It acknowledged the difficulties of the police in a terrorist campaign : complimented the RUC on its restraint and professional integrity and pointed out that the number of detectives who had resorted to physical violence appeared to be small in relation to the total force .
3 The Education Department appeared to be delighted with what they were doing with the family , and any materials required for teaching the one girl were supplied eagerly and promptly .
4 If one of the possible extensions scored well , i.e. the top-down prediction appeared to be correct , then the island would be extended further , otherwise the seed would be abandoned for the next best seed word generated bottom-up over that area .
5 Certainly the judge appeared to be confused .
6 His mood appeared to be unpredictable .
7 The Chancellor appeared to be unmoved by the appeals from some of his party faithful , preferring to claim that his actions were in the country 's long term interest .
8 All the forensic evidence showed in support of the theory was that the timer used in the Lockerbie bomb appeared to be identical with a batch sold to the Libyans three years before the bombing , and that the clothing wrapped around the bomb came from Malta , which had close links with Libya .
9 The films were thus split into sections of five seconds each , this interval appeared to be long enough to give subjects a feeling for what was going on while still allowing them to give fairly comprehensive descriptions of the objects and events contained within each film section .
10 The more moderate FRY opinion appeared to be prevailing in an internal political power struggle in September , as Panic replaced some ministers and defeated a no confidence vote in the Federal Assembly on Sept. 4 by 66 votes to 30 with seven abstentions .
11 Its confidence appeared to be growing , for in 1864 the tsar enacted three measures that were second in importance only to the emancipation itself .
12 This group appeared to be opposed to both Mobutu and the leadership of the Sacred Union , calling for a new generation to take control of Zaïrean politics .
13 The distinction appeared to be maintainable while the courts applied a very limited form of review .
14 Damien 's body appeared to be twisting and writhing like a fish on a line but there was no escape for him .
15 " So the railway engineer 's job appeared to be complete .
16 It came as little surprise , therefore , that the close relationship appeared to be unaffected by Iraq 's August invasion of Kuwait .
17 The only other mould found to have equal activity was one kept in culture by La Touche , with which Fleming 's mould appeared to be identical .
18 In controls the distribution of dots on the skin surface appeared to be uniform ( Fig 1 ) whereas patients had a more piatchy distribution ( Fig 3 ) .
19 He said the explosion appeared to be unplanned because of the time it occurred .
20 But the latter charge concerning domestic inflation appeared to be correct .
21 The NPFL had earlier agreed that its representative would form part of a triumvirate of vice-presidents under an independent interim president , but this arrangement appeared to be stillborn .
22 ‘ Yesterday morning , during the hearing , I formed the opinion , along with my client , that one of the members of the bench appeared to be asleep . ’
23 The drift of his argument appeared to be feminist .
24 As with junk , the offer appeared to be available even to pretty second-rate companies .
25 Each block appeared to be complete in itself and all were identical .
26 Therefore , the factor(s) responsible for the enhanced IgG1 response in ulcerative colitis appeared to be present also in healthy twins .
27 However , moderate ±forces in the Russian government appeared to be successful in silencing the new commander of the Russian 14th Army in the region , Gen. Aleksandr Lebed ( appointed in June ) who had remarked on July 4 that the conflict between Moldova and the Dnestr republic was not ethnic but involved " genocide … against one 's own people " , and had labelled ±Moldova 's President as " fascist " .
28 What at first sight appeared to be limited concessions to the peasantry opened the way for a fundamental revision of Soviet economic policies and structures .
29 At one end of this seeming arcane map or game-board an enormous plascrystal bowl held thousands of what at first sight appeared to be bloodshot ochreous eyeballs .
30 Her patience appeared to be inexhaustible .
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