Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] [prep] public " in BNC.

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1 The possibility of being attacked on public transport is still low , especially if you avoid the more notorious stations , such as those in Central London and at the southern end of the Northern Line .
2 Well the suggestion is that people who are n't er maintaining a traditional family unit are actually being , like being penalised by public policy , is is is that a general opinion ?
3 Green spaces in and around London are under constant threat from developers and difficult decisions about their future use have to be faced by public authorities .
4 The unemployed , the poor , the chronically sick and disabled and of course children would need to be covered by public money .
5 The whole scope of the duty to secure provision for adults as it will be divided between the funding councils and LEAs will continue to be supported from public funds .
6 He displayed a tendency to be out-manoeuvred in public situations .
7 Few kite flyers have a 50metre or 150ft clear run in their home yards , so this operation has to be completed in public , hence the need for speed and precision .
8 The courts had been set up to administer a new penal code , unveiled on Sept. 7 , in which traditional written trials were to be replaced by public oral trials for criminal cases .
9 Thomas , who testified first , vehemently denied Hill 's charges and himself took the offensive against liberal Democrats for allowing his reputation to be destroyed in public hearings , televised to the world .
10 I therefore see a need for clear agreements to be made between public agencies and not-for-profit bodies on the basis of public agency funding .
11 Another disadvantage would be that the interest payable on such bonds would have to be made from public funds .
12 Perhaps this reflects over-ambitious goals rather than failure of the projects , for it will only be when attempts to calm large areas are made that possibilities emerge of encouraging former car journeys to be made by public transport .
13 They did n't allow their hysterical laughing fits to be seen in public .
14 You 'd think they would n't want to be seen in public ; but no , there they are , living it up , and my own daughter aiding and abetting them as if she were doing some thing clever .
15 That has yet to be tested in public , but the evening certainly did not put her off — — she has been an ardent fan of the Welsh National Opera ever since .
16 Three examples will illustrate the importance of deciding whether a particular activity ought to be regulated by public law or private law .
17 The preference of ministers and mandarins — none of whom had a desire to be exposed to public criticism — for the ‘ gentleman 's agreement ’ rather than the public discussion of serious policy issues was equally understandable .
18 The keynote of the white paper was ‘ positive planning ’ — to be achieved by public ownership of development land .
19 These are the recommended minimum space and heating standards proposed by the Parker Morris Committee in 1961 , which were required to be incorporated in public housing design from January 1969 — yet another gain made in the early 1960s to be whittled away under the current government .
20 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
21 Nonetheless , the Senegalese system has dealt with the succession problem impressively , and sustained a multi-party tradition which allows a wide range of opinion to be expressed in public , and in doing so has avoided the most acute problems of localism .
22 I just do n't want to be humiliated in public ! ’
23 Pupils should learn that Standard English is the language of wide social communication and is particularly likely to be required in public , formal settings .
24 Even ordinary back gardens are in demand to be put on public display , says Jane Bidder
25 But he points out that recent government pronouncements suggest the squeeze is to be put on public spending once more .
26 It may overlook the fact that science could become a very rebellious offspring ; and , as an apologetic strategy , it could easily backfire if science ( as some believe it has been ) were to be devalued in public estimation through association with polluting and exploitative technologies .
27 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
28 This was to last two years and to be focused on public law and , once more , the study and analysis of diplomatic documents : the pupils were also to have a knowledge of either English or German .
29 After the verdicts , Judge Richard Hawkins refused an application for Layton 's costs to be paid from public funds saying the defendant had brought suspicion upon himself .
30 ‘ In the last analysis , therefore , it is for Parliament to decide the extent to which legal services are to be provided at public expense to meet the needs of the majority of the population .
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