Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pers pn] have learn " in BNC.

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1 All of which I 'd learnt from Churchill , of course .
2 See so it 's just by learning the pattern it 's like say if you were you were playing football every time somebody every time the ball came towards you you had to learn all about the way the ball goes Oh it 's you know it 's slowing down cos the grass is wet and it 's curling and things like that .
3 and yeah we did forget the first paragraph of the of what we had learned so we just covered what we 'd done really
4 One of the things I 'd like to see happen is a greater exchange across all the businesses of what they 've learnt and how they 've gone about quality programmes .
5 Shadows will be asked to write a short report of what they have learned at the end of the exercise .
6 The Progress Book gradually builds into a scrapbook of pupils ' own work , forming a personal and lasting record of what they have learned and achieved .
7 This can often result in very presentable end-products but , when questioned , the children may have little or no idea of what they have learned in the process .
8 THE sister of missing estate agent Suzy Lamplugh told last night how she survived a knife ordeal because of what she had learned from the family 's nightmare .
9 In the final article in this section , Rosemary Clarke compares the activities of teaching and Gestalt therapy , drawing parallels and pointing up interesting distinctions , as well as offering some of what she has learned in the course of being both a teacher and , subsequently , a therapist .
10 So there might be something in the argument that , that it 's not just a , a question of what you 've learned from the north , but there may be a recognition that the economy in the south is different , or at least they might be arguing , those who are arguing that the economy in the south is different and that , that reform might not be necessary , it might not even be appropriate in the south .
11 ‘ Only that you do n't rush into making too much of what you 've learned this morning .
12 Besides , he may have set the question like that with the object of seeing whether your mind is sufficiently adaptable to vary the order of what you have learnt .
13 Here 's a little of what I 've learnt about them .
14 I have developed a theory to explain recent incidents in the light of what I have learned about you .
15 Wilson made good use of what he had learned about publicity from his relationship with Plimsoll .
16 It would be unwise , therefore , to say anything to him of what he had learned about Ipuky 's sons from his first marriage , or about the other visitor to the City of Dreams .
17 Harry had Mossop drop him off at Brockenhurst station , where he commenced the journey back to Swindon , happy to find himself alone among anonymous travellers , able to concentrate at last on all the implications of what he had learned .
18 Over the sandwich , he gave them a suitably edited version of what he had learned .
19 Lydia thought herself very slow not to have realised all this before , but then she reflected that the rapidity with which they had learned the circumstances of this secluded family was in itself strange .
20 with her she had to learn
21 We want students to show that they have entered into what they have learned .
22 We then had tuition in the fitting and the actual sewing and by Sunday afternoon , nearly all the garments were complete and every person who attended was very thrilled with what they had learned and the work produced .
23 You can not communicate with what you have learnt , nor it seems can you learn by communicating .
24 Are there elements in your upbringing , or the character of your parents or others close to you from whom you have learned , which help to explain or cast light on who you are and how you behave and respond , given certain circumstances ?
25 Though he was in some ways a traditionalist , interested in painting epic scenes in a continuation of the grand European manner , he was also a modernist , an admirer of Picasso from whom he had learnt to analyse the rudiments of representation in order to embellish them , to make them rich or austere .
26 She could still remember it all intensely : the swimming pool in which she had learnt to do a dog-paddle ; the ring game ; the endless stretch of blue ocean ; the vast liner as big as a city through which she and Pappy had wandered endlessly .
27 Prodigal mimesis from which I 've learned .
28 I had it done to remind me of a mistake from which I have learnt much , and of an ending which I have no cause to regret . ’
29 From her they had learned that Jerome Fanshawe had a bungalow at Eastover between Eastbourne and Seaford and that he and his wife and daughter had driven down there for a week 's holiday on May 17th .
30 A very old friend of the family wrote to me when each of my parents died , and from her I had learnt that Sarah had decided to have no more children after Emma , and that Emma had gone to medical school so she is presumably now a doctor somewhere .
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