Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] before it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Speaking of which , do n't you think we 'd better get this glop off my hair before it turns it green ? ’
2 One way or another , we get to see most of their stuff before it gets Stateside .
3 The wine was introduced into them by means of fine glass pipettes , though the champagne had to be robbed of its sparkle before it could be persuaded to enter !
4 The minstrels and people of the town ran after the bull and the person who could cut off a piece of its skin before it crossed into Derbyshire was declared the owner and King of the Music 's Bull .
5 Football , however , had lost much of its rumbustiousness before it was outlawed from the streets .
6 The National Graphical Association incurred four contempt fines totalling £675,000 and eventual sequestration of its funds before it called off its illegal picketing ( under the 1980 Act ) against Mr Eddie Shah 's publishing company in 1983 .
7 So she lay still , prone , trying to catch the sound of her breathing before it escaped and gave the game away .
8 His voice was harsh and nasal , as if it had had to fight a stiff battle around the bridge of his nose before it had been able to emerge at all .
9 ‘ You will , of course , send me a copy of your manuscript before it goes to press . ’
10 Ooh I think I 'd better go lock up my garage before it gets too dark .
11 The work had scarcely got into its stride before it was interrupted by the outbreak of the Wars of Independence .
12 So talk it through with your partner before it 's too late .
13 If I were you I 'd drop a quiet word in her ear before it 's too late .
14 110lb ft of torque at 4400rpm may not sound like much , but in reality the G40 is so near this peak figure from idle to red line that the overall effect is much more impressive than a car that makes you wait until the revcounter is half-way round its scale before it gets going .
15 All the bows braced and drew and leaned , like hawks about to stoop , fixing upon their prey before it was in range .
16 She tossed her head defiantly , and just for a moment saw a flicker of something in his eyes before it was gone so fast that she knew she must have imagined it .
17 He looked tired and drawn , and for a moment , she told herself there was a look of pleasure in his eyes before it vanished and he reached out to prevent the door closing .
18 Of course the first prerequisite was that he should be able to know his colleagues ' views before deciding whether or not he agreed with them , so he needed access to their report before it was officially released .
19 Patting a horse , instead of stroking or scratching it , only has a few valid uses : as a muscular relaxant and distraction ; and as a part of ‘ breaking-in ’ so that the horse gets used to things thumping around on its back before it is actually ridden .
20 The dangerous journey in store for Sard is not in fact in pursuit of the ideal woman , but a prosaic attempt to get back to his ship before it sails , an attempt frustrated by the theft of his bicycle and by wanderings that involve him with a silver-train and a period in gaol , the traverse of an appalling desert and a rock-strewn mountain .
21 I 'll just pop into the kitchen and get a cloth , so you can mop up that splash on your shirt before it stains . ’
22 It has been abandoned by its parents before it even hatched .
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