Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] can be achieved " in BNC.

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1 Although the various social sciences take different interests in such matters and differ also on how such an understanding of them can be achieved , they do at least share this common source of data ; that is , what the members of society have produced , and are producing , in the way of artifacts , social groups , institutions , documents of various kinds , systems of conflict and co-operation , records , and so on .
2 It offers a reminder of what can be achieved without recourse to star names or the Vienna Philharmonic .
3 As well as operating trains ( which carry over 150,000 passengers p.a. ) , the entire Railway , engines , coaches , track , stations and equipment , have all been restored from total dereliction to their present condition , a remarkable example of what can be achieved by qualified volunteers .
4 Spontaneity is by no means sacrificed by ‘ inhibition ’ — the cat , spontaneous and graceful in action and yet perfectly in control of its responses , is a wonderful example of what can be achieved this way .
5 Incidentally , I listen for my own information and education to the early recordings of the Busch quartet to get the measure of what can be achieved , and what pianissimo and dolce really mean .
6 The AEF 's concept is being taken forward by representatives of two groups which might be seen as having totally opposing interests : the IATA-sponsored Air Transport Action Group and the AEF — a co-operative effort which is in itself an encouraging indication of what can be achieved .
7 This week 's threat by Ofgas regulator Sir James McKinnon to take legal action against British Gas if it does n't reduce its prices is an indication of what can be achieved by forceful regulation of the privatised utilities . )
8 The story of how Brian Thomas , one of the ‘ 72 Cup winners , came in and hauled the club out of its curious mixture of complacency and mediocrity is an example of what can be achieved in apparently inauspicious circumstances .
9 There was , however , no control of length of exposure or parent/teacher fluency and so the effects may be an underestimate of what can be achieved .
10 But in addition to explaining this mystery , it is a beautiful example of what can be achieved by neurons having the appropriate projective zones .
11 As his captain David Graveney observes : ‘ He is bound to make a tremendous impact on our game by making everybody aware of what can be achieved by speed between the wickets .
12 It is designed as a case study of what can be achieved on almost any upland farm in Britain , and the changes are being scientifically monitored so the results can be shared with other conservation agencies .
13 A good example of what can be achieved is Susanna Wade-Martin 's research on the Holkham estate in Norfolk .
14 THIS week in Greenfingers ( BBC-1 , 10.20pm ) the featured garden is situated in the town square in Bray in Co Wicklow and is an excellent example of what can be achieved in a town garden .
15 A few examples of projects which have taken place are described below as an illustration of what can be achieved .
16 The process of rehearsal draws upon a training which often reaches back into the singer 's boyhood , which provides him with the directed quickness of mind and the vocal stamina he requires , and which ensures that the choral results are generally quite passable and are sometimes excellent despite the constant absences , deputizations , hirings and firings that always threaten the homogeneity of what can be achieved .
17 Riders for health is a good example of what can be achieved through good planning .
18 ‘ This outing is just one example of what can be achieved . ’
19 Our successful partnership there serves as a powerful example of what can be achieved by industry working together with conservationists and local communities . ’
20 Partnership It should rival the best of European cities and should be famously celebrated in Britain as an example of what can be achieved when resources and the expertise to implement solutions to environmental problems are combined with civic will . ’
21 there must be a realistic view of what can be achieved but it should n't hinder the improvement process nor stunt enthusiasm .
22 It is interesting to note that JustText is used by Adobe to help produce its regular Colophon newsletter , a production that makes full use of the PostScript language and is an object lesson in what can be achieved , given the computer power .
23 It is seldom practised with roses now — there is so little advantage over what can be achieved by budding — and is really of superfluous interest to be included here .
24 All these options , it should be noted , remain within the basic framework of the categorial schema of objects and attributes , and this inevitably sets limits to what can be achieved by the respective philosophies of mind " .
25 Once the basic information is captured in electronic form there is technically no limit to what can be achieved with it .
26 The extent to which cooperation and , indeed , common policies exist among Nato members is testimony to what can be achieved by sovereign states acting together in amity .
27 As we have seen , there are distinct limitations on what can be achieved by way of conditions on a planning permission ; this can often be as awkward for the developer as it is for the planning authority .
28 The practical limits on what can be achieved by laws have been illustrated repeatedly in recent years in the United Kingdom in connection with trade union legislation .
29 ‘ I think there has to be a realism about what can be achieved without turning London into a fortress , ’ he said .
30 It seems irresponsible and morally indefensible to intervene in clients ' lives if you are uncertain about what can be achieved and the best methods of doing so .
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