Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [subord] i 'd " in BNC.

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1 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
2 I 'd been in and out of hospitals , where my veins had been pumped full of glucose because I 'd refused to eat .
3 I 've come straight from the calving and I did n't even get a cup of tea when I 'd finished .
4 However , I knew at least a couple of players because I 'd caddied for Roger Fidler in the 1977 British Open while I was still an assistant , and I 'd also carried Florentina Melina 's bag .
5 I used to take them home on quite a number of occasions if I 'd known that they lived in the immediate vicinity .
6 On my side , I burned with less envy of Charlie than I 'd imagined I would .
7 I told you I sleep in that chair , did n't I ? — It must have been about midnight because I 'd just watched this film and that did n't finish until half eleven .
8 I think my G P actually sent me further down hill into anorexia after I 'd lost about , about when I was seven stone I went to see her , I 'd never seen her before and she said well you look perfectly acc , sociably acceptable to me so I went on to lose two more stone before going back to see her and was admitted to hospital as a medical emergency !
9 ‘ I remember one client who burst into tears before I 'd taken the first snip , ’ said top London stylist Trevor Sorbie .
10 He admitted : ‘ Lawrie McMenemy took me off at half- time in Spain after I 'd been booked .
11 ‘ I went on to a party in Cambridge after I 'd been catching swifts , and in the middle of the party a horrible large green thing , a flightless parasitic fly , found on swifts , crawled crabwise out of my hair on to my dinner jacket — it was a dinner jacket sort of party .
12 The producer put me , a sound man and a camera man into a London taxi ( for street cred ) and asked the driver to go round Piccadilly until I 'd finished speaking .
13 I was so obsessive about most things that we 'd quickly have got bogged down in details if I 'd had my way .
14 My encounters with girls were destined always to end in rejection until I 'd left my teens behind me .
15 That 's all I ever wanted to do in boxing after I 'd learned the craft and now I want to make a little bit more ’ .
16 In fact if I 'd known I was coming here I could have brought you some in , let you seen what we used to do .
17 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
18 in fact if I 'd known you had n't got one , the one we had before , oh know it 's not got a tape on though , but you 've got a record player have n't you ? yes
19 ‘ But , unfortunately , this undesirable side to your brother 's character only came to light after I 'd hired you .
20 I 'd planned to go back to Australia when I 'd made enough .
21 I did n't dare return to the-place where I 'd killed him because I could easily arouse suspicion .
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