Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] simply the " in BNC.

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1 The difference in technique between all styles of grafting is simply the shape in which both the rootstocks and the vinestocks are cut , the prime purpose being to present the largest possible growing surface between the two canes .
2 The process of decision-making is simply the outcome of conflicts between different groups , with governmental institutions acting simply as the arbiter between these conflicting groups or , at most , acting as merely one of these groups .
3 Therefore the overall rate of return is simply the risk-free rate of interest .
4 There is no suggestion that passengers are or were more at risk on buses in Lothian than elsewhere : the level of casualties was simply the result of more bus trips being made .
5 But if every work of art is simply the expression of the artist 's intuition , it is evident that an absolute or complete pattern would be useless , since the intuitions of two different minds could never be expressed by the same form : nor can anything in art be said to have been ‘ done once for all ’ , since if it were ‘ done again ’ by another hand — used , that is , to express the intuition of another spirit — it would be no longer what had been done before .
6 We might say that the despair of existentialism is simply the logic of atheism , but this is true only in so far as atheism itself is the logic of ungrateful Protestantism .
7 ‘ This has resulted in a clear message from our customers that travelling with P&O is simply the best . ’
8 The space-economy for example is simply the spatial pattern of organization created by the industrial economy ; it is not an independent variable .
9 And what happened in practice was simply the Turkish government made representations to the State Department and said hey , you know , these bases , they provide a lot of work , you know , we have to provide empl alternative employment for these people so could we phase out this withdrawal over say a three year programme ?
10 Again , the precise effects of British imperial domination are inevitably matters of dispute ( Kumar and Desai , 1983 ) and it is important to emphasize that the claim here is not that the level of present development of the regions of the Third World in question is simply the outcome of their colonial experience , but that it is difficult to understand the nature of this underdevelopment and the continuing exploitation of these countries within the international economic order without a grasp of the imperial impact .
11 That , as much as anything , gives lie to the claims that the constitutional issue in Scotland is simply the obsession of the chattering classes .
12 The mechanical output power per phase is simply the product of the phase current and the induced voltage ( Fitzgerald and Kingsley , 1952 ) : As the system is assumed to have an inertia large enough to prevent significant changes in velocity , the time.varying components of mechanical output power are of no interest and only the first term of Eqn .
13 Some suggest that the value of BSRI androgyny to women is simply the value of masculinity .
14 As we have seen , beliefs held about women were simply the logical corollary of biological views , or the understanding of the origin of humanity .
15 The uncomprehending response of some professional librarians to the question of retrieval systems in the library resource centre has shown the underlying belief that what was at issue was simply the addition of new formats .
16 In many human societies virtually everyone is treated as a kinsman of one sort or another so that alliances established by marriage are simply the renewal of links which have also existed in the past .
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