Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [conj] he gave " in BNC.

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1 The semblance of UPH not owning it was created by allowing Smyth to put his nominees onto the board of Chestvale after he gave an undertaking to put the loan notes in place .
2 That is what the greenbelt is actually there for , and if you have it there for that purpose , as I said yesterday , the necessary corollary is that you have additional provision beyond it , and I ca n't resist to offer Mr Wincup some support , I 'm sure one piece of evidence that he gave you about the letter from the Parish Council , he 's probably already replied to that Parish Council saying , as you 're in the York greenbelt have no fear , all the Selby needs will pass straight across your heads and land somewhere else .
3 He claimed the housing market was showing signs of revival but he gave it a prod anyway by raising the threshold on stamp duty from £30,000 to £60,000 , move that will help mainly first-time buyers .
4 A powerful Muslim force was besieging his city of Tiberias and he gave the order to advance to its relief knowing full well that by leaving his camp he was risking battle .
5 When he says of Bilbo that he gave up the Ring ‘ of his own accord : an important point ’ , he may be saying only that Bilbo ca n't have become too badly addicted , or more moralistically that Bilbo 's good impulse will help his cure .
6 Lord Scarman was a judge in the Court of Appeal when he gave and published the Hamlyn lectures in 1974 , which were controversial , as was the Dimbleby lecture given by Lord Denning in 1980 .
7 Elias Hrawi , the West Beirut-based ( Christian ) President , reportedly responded by saying that there would be no deal with Aoun until he gave up the presidential palace at Baabda and the Army command at Yarzeh .
8 There was an icy contempt in her voice , and his face darkened in anger before he gave a faint dismissive shrug of his broad shoulders .
9 Michael Palin , top selling Christmas author with Pole to Pole ( BBC Books — see Christmas in the Bookshops , page 27 ) , played to a full house and raised nearly £3,000 for the Playhouse in Oxford when he gave a talk about his travels , organised by Blackwells in December .
10 On one occasion he is alleged to have told a bald papal legate who had just excommunicated him for refusing to abandon his mistress that he would see the legate 's hair in curlers before he gave her up .
11 I had introduced Roose-Evans to Reggie and he gave James access to Joyce 's study and to all her unpublished material and letters .
12 It was n't suggested to Mr when he gave evidence that there was another man at the flat that night , I am told that if it had been his answer would have been an unequivocal no .
13 We met them face to face and he gave his full backing .
14 However , he fully redeemed himself next time out at Newbury when he gave 2st to Springholm and beat him with a bit in hand .
15 In view of his experience at Highgate School , he had always been interested in the life and tribulations of schools teachers ; and in any case he held strong views about education , about which he lacked an opportunity to state his ideas at length until he gave some lectures in Chicago in 1950 .
16 I looked at Jean-Claude as he gave me these instructions and I saw a side of him I did not recognize .
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