Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv] along the " in BNC.

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1 Since then the transformation of rural villages into non-agricultural settlements has taken place in a series of waves out along the lines of transportation from the major urban centres , particularly , in the first instance , London .
2 Kim turned– tensing , hearing the soft murmur of voices further along the corridor , then relaxed .
3 Trying to mentally recall a map of the island , the Doctor did n't think there was anything of importance further along the line inland , but he wondered what there might be out to sea … .
4 This series of moves forward along the hole is what is known as a multiple dig , but some people prefer to dig a trench all the way along the burrow until the ferret is reached .
5 While it is true that the spores can easily hop over the garden fence , and there is not a lot to be done about sources of infection further along the road , much can be done by being entirely ruthless in cleaning up your fallen leaves and rose debris .
6 Then you would have a a thick layer of straw right along the ridge .
7 Thus a ladder filter comprising several sections and terminated in resistance tends to correct termination of sections rapidly along the ladder and responds overall quite closely to how it would respond if it were possible to correctly terminate the end section .
8 Thus terminated , a high-pass ladder filter tends to correct termination of sections rapidly along the ladder so that the overall response is quite close to that of a correctly terminated ladder .
9 There were little spots of cement all along the top , where the railings had been torn out in the war .
10 It is worth extending the search for quality further along the crag however , where one or two hidden gems may be found lurking in relative isolation .
11 German defences were sited in depth all along the ridge , giving them an uninterrupted view of British movements .
12 Written in stone all along the ridge therefore are visual records of people going ‘ Whoooaaargh ! ’ with every step .
13 The totality of our so-called knowledge or beliefs , from the most casual matters of geography and history to the profoundest laws of atomic physics or even pure mathematics and logic , is a man-made fabric which impinges on experience only along the edges .
14 Entitled To Advance Further Along the Road to Perestroika , Gorbachev 's address began with the assertion that there had been a " revolutionary stride " in all spheres of life since he first announced perestroika in April 1985 .
15 Its headlights came on full beam , and it accelerated away with a rising roar which brought heads to windows all along the street .
16 Gavarnie is a single-minded , ungainly village , bent on its one charge , of dispatching visitors , on foot , by donkey or on pony back along the track to the cirque , an hour away .
17 I would tell him he had to be at fault somewhere along the line . ’
18 Although the loss of the transports assembled or under construction at Le Havre delivered a serious blow to the French plans , others were still being built or collected at ports all along the Bay of Biscay , from Lorient [ or L'Orient ] to Bayonne , including Nantes , La Rochelle and Bordeaux , and the plan , as the English government knew , was for them to assemble at Brest , where the Commander-in-Chief of the naval side of the invasion , Admiral Conflans [ Hubert de Brienne , Comte de Conflans ] had arrived in early July .
19 As news of the attack on the villages spread , inter-ethnic fighting flared at points all along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border .
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