Example sentences of "[noun sg] after a period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The third pattern is the post-experience one in which students come to theoretical or systematic study of the field after a period of practice .
2 Recent studies from the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food ( MAFF ) have now seen evidence of the migration of dioxins from chlorine bleached milk cartons into milk after a period of storage .
3 I 've got the price of that product up and also get him his reduction after a period of time .
4 Bull 's reply prompted a hurricane finish by the Second Division side after a period in which Villa looked to have weathered the storm .
5 Extract from a letter received from an ex-member of the Womens Royal Air Force after a period of convalescence at Richard Peck House ‘ It was my good fortune to be given a period of convalescence at Richard Peck House after major surgery .
6 Like Brooke-Rose , Spark began writing fiction as a form of therapy after a period of psychological strain ( Stanford 1963:62 ) .
7 His other priorities include a review of the bureaucracy of BAIE 's committee structure , getting the Association 's finances on a firmer footing after a period of change , and creating greater influence over leading lights in the business world .
8 THE WEST Lancashire Light Railway , the passenger-carrying narrow gauge line at Hesketh Bank between Southport and Preston , moves into the twentieth century with the introduction of a telephone after a period of twenty-four years .
9 To avoid customers being prejudiced in this way , a firm must not effect a contingent liability transaction unless it can show that it believes on reasonable grounds that the customer understands : ( 1 ) The circumstances under which he may be required to provide any margin ; ( 2 ) Particulars of the form in which the margin may be provided ; ( 3 ) Particulars of the steps which the firm may be entitled to take if the customer fails to provide the required margin ; ( 4 ) That failure by the customer to meet a margin call may lead to the firm closing out his position after time limits specified by the firm , and that the firm will be required to close out the position in any event after a period of five business days ; and ( 5 ) That circumstances other than failure to provide margin may lead to the customer 's position being closed out with prior reference to him .
10 Things have begun to swing towards more enforcement after a period in which , as you note , the Sherman and Clayton acts were forgotten and the authorities charged with enforcing them were starved of resources .
11 He said he had already made it clear to the convention that he wanted to establish a good relationship with COSLA and local government , and to make a new start after a period of expenditure difficulties .
12 He was transferred to the intensive care unit for intubation for airway control after a period of desaturation .
13 Onset of proarrhythmia after a period of stable , long-term drug treatment is probably due to an intervening event such as ischaemia , hypokalaemia , the addition of another drug , or change in drug dose .
14 One of the more controversial obligations relating to margin is the requirement that a firm must close out a customer 's open position where he fails to meet a margin call after a period of five business days .
15 It is best illustrated by the Crossman Diaries Case , A-G v Jonathan Cape Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 752 where the court would not prevent the publication of diaries of cabinet discussions on grounds of confidentiality after a period of ten years .
16 Final recommendations will be made to the government after a period of public consultation .
17 But if a person with a roughly similar disability is socially isolated , or the home environment has actually precipitated or exacerbated the illness , then they will be gravely handicapped in attempting to return to normal life after a period in hospital .
18 Winter maintains , ‘ People find it much harder to move back into child care after a period in adult care because they tend to be consumed with either the Children Act or community care legislation .
19 Thus , a clause in your contract to the effect that your employment will ‘ automatically terminate ’ , if , for example , you fail to return to work on the due date after a period of leave , is likely to be regarded as an invalid attempt to ‘ contract out ’ of modern job security laws .
20 For the purpose of such measurements a layer of distinctive sand is put down on the marsh and the amount of accretion after a period of years measured by cutting down to the patch of sand with a tool sharp enough not to disturb the section .
21 The Agency 's Management Development Division organises and sponsors courses for those entering management for the first time , those already in management and those wishing to take up a management position after a period of unemployment .
22 The decision created ripples throughout California , Joanne is a computer expert , she was head of the technical division at the California state lottery until her firing earlier this year after a period of sick leave .
23 Mr Morgan , who was married with three grown-up children , had returned briefly to school after a period of illness .
24 A fall in urban rent values can also be seen in Oxford , although the evidence cited is less comprehensive than that for York , and the most drastic fall seems to have come in the second half of the fifteenth century after a period of relative stability .
25 The most dramatic development of the last quarter of a century has been the emergence of the urban-rural shift as a major factor in population redistribution , but in the late 1970s and early 1980s its strength waned somewhat , as too did the pace of local decentralization , whereas the North-South divide reasserted itself at this time after a period of lower significance .
26 In the latest attempt , producer David Puttnam has brought his vision to the screen after a period of 11 years between idea and fact , and he feels viewers are going to like what they see .
27 MIND ( the National Association for Mental Health ) provides a positive approach to those seeking an independent lifestyle after a period in an institution and has helped many .
28 It should never be taken hastily or immediately a crisis arises in the life of an elderly person , such as bereavement or a sudden illness or depression , for grief usually passes to some extent after a period of supported mourning .
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