Example sentences of "[noun sg] right [prep] [art] middle " in BNC.

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1 In Market Weighton , East Yorkshire , there is a markstone right in the middle of the town , opposite the church , and in Pembridge , Herefordshire , Watkins found a markstone next to the market house .
2 It must have been a million-to-one chance for him to hit the car right in the middle . ’
3 ‘ It happened in the gym of this club right in the middle of my training , ’ he recalled , ‘ but it was not the training that brought on the attack although I had probably overdone things .
4 I say , ‘ A 6-iron ’ , and he takes it and knocks the ball right in the middle of the green — 3 putts : 5 .
5 Concealed in the deep herbage right in the middle of the field he had waited till he saw the whites of my eyes before making his assault .
6 How , though , would the method used here perform if applied to a subject right in the middle of complex situational change , where the social formation and the musical culture are characterized precisely by heterogeneity and seemingly transient affiliations ?
7 The houses were all of dilapidated wood , with the tallest building a spired church right in the middle of everything .
8 All of which meant that there was a hole right through the middle of the Scottish defence .
9 I had to pull the tape out of the machine , interrupt the music right in the middle of the song .
10 " There is a big old hump-necked herd bull right in the middle of his wives and children .
11 In order to cut costs elsewhere the company want to build the line right through the middle of the town and across much of the farmland which the children have established ( in role ) as belonging to them .
12 Well , for instance ; one night Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor who had called Stella II a skinny black bitch right in the middle of her rendition of ‘ Te Amo ’ , and he meant it , right there in the middle of his number — well Madame not only showed her approval of the assault by conspicuously buying Stella drinks every night for the whole of the following week ; as soon as she saw the fight starting she got off her stool , yanked out the plug on the sound system , hitched up that frock , got straight up on the stage while they were still on the floor ( she knew Stella would sort him out ) and she went into an unforgettable aria of abuse against this stranger which culminated in her eschewing all her usual magnificence of phrasing and just standing there shouting fuck off at him , screaming fuck off , if you do n't like it you can fuck off , E , X , I , T , there it is , you came in through it and now you can fuck off out of it , fuck off out of it why do n't you you stupid bastard ( and by now of course someone had dragged Stella off and we were all up on our chairs cheering while the disgraced stranger made his slow and humiliating exit through the parting crowd ) why do n't you just piss off and insult someone who does n't have the balls to answer back because you 've picked the wrong girls here darling , fuck off that 's it , fucking fuck off , fucking fuck off right through my front door and do n't you ever , do n't you ever , do n't you ever step on my fucking frock again .
13 A subtle blend of golden yellows , reds and browns can be spoilt by using a really overpowering bright orange flower right in the middle of the design .
14 If Stirling had not been captured when he was , he would hardly have survived his planned raid on Sousse , having to approach his target right through the middle of the remnants of the Axis armies who were caught in an ever-diminishing pocket .
15 Despite its geographical inaccuracy the song , politically speaking , was right on target , designed as it was to show that the Duke of Aquitaine was building a castle right in the middle of the lands of the Count of Anjou .
16 See we had a fire right in the middle of the cabin and I used to chuck this here er flock mattress on the table and the blankets over the old flock pillow and go to sleep that way .
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