Example sentences of "[noun sg] should [prep] least [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is impossible to foresee how life will work out , but a reasonable attempt should at least be made to avoid the obvious pitfalls .
2 ‘ Thomas met his enemy face to face that afternoon too , ’ shrilled Gwendolen , determined that her beloved 's name should at least be represented .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 13 August 1991 the applicant appealed against that decision of the Divisional Court on the grounds , inter alia , that it had erred ( 1 ) in holding that there was no obligation on Lautro to give the applicant an opportunity to make representations prior to the issue of that notice ; ( 2 ) in asserting that there was a principle of law that a regulatory body should know with precision from whom they must invite representations ; ( 3 ) in perceiving any difficulty in identifying persons who should have been given advance notification , so as to be treated fairly , of any proposals by Lautro to issue a notice since such notification should at least be given to anyone who would be directly affected by such a notice and/or whose conduct was in issue ; ( 4 ) in regarding as apposite the remarks of Lord Diplock in Cheall v. Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 180 , 190A since the non-application of the legal concept of natural justice to all persons effected by but not parties to a dispute was not and had never been in issue ; and ( 5 ) in failing to have regard to the absence of any rights of appeal according to the rules of Lautro in deciding whether the principle of natural justice applied .
4 When challenged by the head gardener the Americans pretended to be a press gang , which was sufficient to set ‘ all the stout young fellows ’ on the estate running off to the town for safety , but he also informed them that their intended victim was taking the waters at Buxton , and Jones set off back to his boat , until the two officers with him pointed out that , having left Whitehaven empty-handed , the crew should at least be allowed to loot the house .
5 If the person who does the interviewing is not the person for whom the new employee will be working then it is essential that that person should at least be allowed to sit in on interviews and have an agreed say in the final decision .
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