Example sentences of "[noun sg] you [modal v] [adv] actually " in BNC.

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1 If you had this type you would n't actually be able to walk properly at all would you ?
2 with the greatest respect you ca n't actually cos you have n't worked with that many of them have you ?
3 In total you can not actually pay more than fifteen percent of salary to erm these well to contributions so in effect you you 're already paying six percent as your basic contribution so the maximum you could pay on any of these schemes is a further nine percent .
4 Lower than a thousand units er there 's no immediate affect and one 's tempted to think that erm the er er it 's , that radiation 's therefore safe below that level and that 's not strictly true because there is the possibility of a long term affect it can actually cause cancer in the long term but with very low er ra- er levels of risk cos you can see down at the levels where people actually get radiation doses er like erm members of the public or erm from the actual background of people who work in nuclear power stations , you 're talking about very low levels but the levels , those sort of levels I mean one in three hundred thousand , one in three million , that sort of thing you ca n't actually measure in real er populations because there er any effects that there are can be swamped by other ways of getting er of getting cancer .
5 When sitting at the breakfast table you may not actually measure the distance between your hand and the coffee cup , but you seldom miss .
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