Example sentences of "[noun sg] that he [verb] lost " in BNC.

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1 I was told by the retailer that he had lost a number of Emperors due to aggression in the confines of a small tank in his store .
2 Grant had time only to register the knowledge that he had lost the unequal contest , and with it his life , before the final hiraken knuckle-blow landed , breaking his nose and cheekbones , and smashing him into bloody oblivion .
3 But no , his voice on the phone was as polite and friendly as ever , with not a hint that he had lost faith .
4 this was the centre that he had lost .
5 He pulled out the battered sea captain 's telescope that he had bought in Caen to replace the expensive glass that he had lost after Toulouse .
6 Chris had already been given a severe ticking-off when he 'd admitted to the box-office that he 'd lost count of the number of tickets and cheques he 'd stuffed into all his suit pockets .
7 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
8 I told her no messages had been sent and suggested that if Uncle was a businessman — I thought it better not to mention that we already knew he was a multi-millionaire businessman — he might naturally tend to be secretive and that he might also be reluctant to broadcast the fact that he had lost his yacht through what might have been his own fault .
9 He requested the judge to give Adams credit for having pleaded guilty , together with the fact that he had lost his job and because his marriage had broken up .
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