Example sentences of "[noun sg] that nobody [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean obviously the it 's a I perhaps it 's an exaggeration to the effect that nobody can guarantee planning permission until they 've got planning permission .
2 Lucie forced a penny into his soft , sleeping palm ; dumped his shearing tools in his lap , and pulled his cap down over his face in the hope that nobody would recognize him for one of the players .
3 Perhaps it 's an experience that nobody should miss .
4 What is needed , perhaps , is a bit of disgraceful degradation of the sort that nobody can ignore .
5 I need not here emphasize the point that nobody can expect Polybius to study the dynamics of Roman imperialism .
6 This guarantees total inadequacy , but the pay-off is ( a ) the knowledge that nobody could cope with all fifteen , and that therefore the failure does not reflect badly on him personally , and ( b ) some self-righteousness at how hard he is trying to contribute , and resentment at those who are not ‘ pulling their weight .
7 All four band members share the belief that nobody can match the measure of commitment and unity to be found within The Smiths .
8 The latest addition to Foula 's sparse crime statistics was the sort of incident that nobody would pay much regard to elsewhere .
9 Now say for instance that because of the minimum solvency er agreement the employers have got to pay whatever their loss is , and if and I asked this question of the T U C that if there was a situation of where the employees were in the majority and forget the pension regulator , because there was a regulator anyway , so you can add whatever name that y you liked to have , but the fraud still went on , but say the employees were in the majority as far as the trustees is concerned and they were in full control and the control was taken away from the employers and there was a a federation of the hundred and twenty eight thousand with a central fund paying off heavy loss of any minimum solvencies , then surely that would be the ideal situation in order to safeguard , because when I asked Goodey himself when he submitted his report , he said they could not give any categ categorical assurance that nobody could defraud in any scheme under the proposals he 's made .
10 ‘ No , ’ she said , ‘ your self-respect is about the only thing that nobody can take away .
11 A beaming bonhomme , with the confiding smile of Harpo Marx , he produces a range of conjuring tricks and juggling , seemingly as surprised as us that they actually work , but so winning is his personality that nobody would worry if they did n't .
12 When the mood is low , accusations are hurled in the search for a scapegoat for a problem that nobody can rationalise .
13 Tea breaks and chats in the yard and dart games in the pub make life pleasant ; the fact that nobody will do anybody else 's job gives everybody security ; people 's aspirations do not take them out of their group , but concern the group as such ’
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