Example sentences of "[noun sg] that exist [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The deepest cleft that exists in the earth 's surface is the Grand Canyon in the western United States .
2 Through this relationship , they can also be a record of the life force that exists at a certain site .
3 The host of different beings attributed with consciousness that exist within the Chewong universe have structurally similar qualities to humans .
4 Chlor-chemicals general manager Bob Hunt said : ‘ Results like these indicate the degree of confusion that exists around the use of chlorine and its natural presence in the environment .
5 Similar stories could be told of many European kings , princes and nobles in our period ; it is possible to get some notion of the variety that existed among the upper classes .
6 Marx 's and Engels 's first concern with anthropological material was therefore to show the variety that exists in the nature of social relations , and the historical peculiarity of a society where one group of people treat others only in respect of the labour they provide , labour which then can be bought and sold as though it was any other useful article .
7 ‘ Feeling the necessity that exists for a better regulation in the management of our profession and for a more organised system of educating and examining its practitioners , we have condensed in the annexed Petition the principal substance of our wants and to which we most humbly but most anxiously solicit your Lordship 's kind attention ’ .
8 In the Pacific , the oral tradition outweighs the small amount of human rights literature that exists in the region .
9 In the Pacific , the oral tradition outweighs the small amount of human rights literature that exists in the region .
10 This was one more example of ‘ the undeclared war that exists between the shareholders and the institution ’ .
11 The Home Office agreed , attributing the upsurge to the ‘ general fear of war that exists in the lower middle and working classes , and not to any tenderness for Russia . ’
12 The counselling task is not only to understand what each individual is saying , but also to spot the differences , the possible areas of friction and incompatibility that exist within the family , and then to interpret and explain these to the family group .
13 Cynics of course would hold that the power potential and the danger that exists at the interface of the physical and the metaphysical exists only in the human imagination .
14 So it 's a case of the poverty that exists within the flats ,
15 The General Medical Services Committee and the General Medical Council seem unaware of the philosophical gulf that exists between the medical profession and user representatives .
16 A body that exists within the discourses of pleasure and domination — a sexuality of fear and fascination , that western culture has sought to subjugate and dominate .
17 Before turning to these matters , however , I shall use as my starting point the rather more advan-tageous conditions for executive leadership that exist in the United Kingdom .
18 Derek Davis had said it was important to capitalize on the goodwill that existed in the South West with ‘ the earliest possible development ’ .
19 Of meetings which had begun in London in 1645 , the mathematician John Wallis could say : These remarks indicate the scope that existed by the mid-seventeenth century for differentiation between the sciences .
20 We should , however , appreciate the close relationship that existed between the philosophical beliefs and the political doctrine , which not only manifested itself in the convergence of interests with respect to social problems and class politics , but also provided the proposed reform in education ( and other attempts to ‘ educate ’ young workers , such as the club movement ) with a certain authority .
21 The relationship that existed between the audience and the cast was unlike anything I had ever experienced . ’
22 It is only the relationship that exists between the counsellee and the counsellor that will help in this respect .
23 ( Adapted from Mackey 1965 ) ) autonomous and heteronomous languages The context here is sociolinguistics and more particularly the relationship that exists between the terms language and dialect .
24 It gives the lie to the real relationship that exists between the Labour party and the trade unions , and that will not go unnoticed .
25 He attributes this success to the strong bond that existed between the parents : a plentiful food supply ; the friendly interrelation of the chicks themselves , apparently because they were of opposite sexes ; and , not least , the shape and size of the nest which gave them space to keep out of each other 's way .
26 She hardly thought — since it was plain that Naylor would not want to harm the close bond that existed within the family — that he would bluntly tell Travis to leave her alone .
27 I think a settlement of this size would be compatible with the general pattern of village development that exists in the York area , if a new settlement were significantly larger than this pattern I think there would be a high degree of risk of coalescence with the existing er communities , and would certainly threaten their identity .
28 In this chapter , I have tried to assess the provisions of WFP in the light of the financial management agenda that existed at the end of 1988. 1 have endeavoured to look at the principles behind its proposals , rather than the detailed systems requirements necessary to make them work .
29 An ontological existent , we have said , is an object that exists in the modus " per se " .
30 Perhaps most important of all , the interest displayed in the Woonerf has demonstrated the hunger that exists throughout the Western world for a successful method of reclaiming the streets from a century of growing domination by the car .
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