Example sentences of "[noun sg] that allow them [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Younger sons did not at this time seek to maintain their gentility by going into the church or the army or by living off an annuity that allowed them to pass their time in respectable ease .
2 BHC engineers came up with a floppier , tapered skirt that allowed them to reduce the pressure of the air cushion .
3 These provide firms with product and service differentiation that allow them to compete on other bases than merely those of costs and prices .
4 ‘ We are the part that allows them to retain their customers , ’ Heggie says .
5 Someone who has acquired skills in early life for a job involving considerable strength and mobility will be more handicapped in finding work if they become wheelchair-bound than someone similarly afflicted who has qualifications and experience in a field that allows them to do a sedentary job demanding intellectual skills .
6 Our informants had a well-articulated theory of the relation between ‘ work-in-school ’ and success in a life career that allowed them to see work-in-school as the first rung of their adult moral careers .
7 ITV also announced this week that , with the agreement of the Football League , they had taken out the Arsenal v Liverpool match from the fixtures for February 24 and it would be played at a later date , invoking a clause in their contract with the League that allows them to use three matches a season in this way .
8 Instead , some multinationals have invested in knowledge systems that provide access to state-of-the-art breeding , disease control and cultivation techniques in a form that allows them to control much of the total chain without investing directly in all stages .
9 First , they may create an ‘ internal ’ market that allows them to control all the activities involved in cross-border transactions .
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