Example sentences of "[noun sg] is built into the " in BNC.

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1 Defeat is built into the genre .
2 Coaching is built into the job .
3 These tend to provide an excuse for putting off coaching and this is why some organizations are now insisting that coaching is built into the management role more formally .
4 A capacitor is built into the canister and connected in parallel across the lamp and starter .
5 A comfortable loop pile liner is built into the glove to provide insulation and to prevent condensation .
6 This philosophy is built into the common core by assigning a key task to the in-bureau tutor that each bureau is obliged to appoint either from among its paid or voluntary staff .
7 As far as magistrates ' courts are concerned , both their jurisdiction and their sentencing powers are limited by law , but a considerable degree of optionality is built into the system for determining the distribution of business between the two sets of criminal courts .
8 The deep knowledge thus gained of the site is built into the paintings which become records of the landscape as it changes .
9 An element of bureaucratic waste is built into the Bill .
10 In TRACE II the search process is built into the system through the excitatory and inhibitory connections within and between levels .
11 The magnetism is built into the basalt when it is first formed , and it records the nature of the Earth 's magnetic field at the time of formation .
12 ‘ Earn ’ in the sense of ‘ merit ’ can hardly apply for this sort of sum — yet that implication is built into the language whether we like it or not .
13 Thus gender bias is built into the principles of realism , providing a partial and distorted world-view and having considerable implications for the practice of politics at the global level .
14 Now a day 's residue is some association which relates the manifest content usually to what happened to you that day , and often i they 're very oft it 's often that the day 's residue is built into the manifest dream , so it 's quite obvious , you had this dream because of something that happened to you on that day .
15 Will the Minister ensure that a life cycle analysis is built into the scheme to ensure that a product is judged from the time it is produced until it is recycled or destroyed ?
16 It provides its own record of centuries of repairs , using different kinds and shapes of stone from other buildings , each added to fit the current alignment , so that a permanent list is built into the whole edifice .
17 A survival course is built into the programme .
18 In a sense , creativity is built into the brain at ground level .
19 But the tendency is built into the logic of every target-oriented programme .
20 Change to the concretion may be thought to be extraordinarily difficult , for the imagery is built into the literature and thought structure which form the basis of the religion .
21 Converted from a 17th century paper mill , this hotel is built into the cliffs just half a mile from the resort of Minori .
22 The interactive element is built into the programme in the form of " menus " .
23 Now it might be argued as was done by Kant , for example — that the idea of a non-arbitrary , objective , order is built into the very concept of an external object ; that one can not significantly refer to external objects qua external without acknowledging by implication the existence of such an order ; and in a sense this is of course true .
24 Unfortunately , Melman said , Taylorism is built into the new technology .
25 Indeed , the image or notion of consensus is built into the very language of the media : they contrast ‘ compromise ’ with ‘ dogmatism ’ , ‘ order ’ with ‘ chaos ’ , ‘ realism ’ with ‘ ideology ’ , ‘ responsibility ’ with ‘ irresponsibility ’ and so on .
26 On the one hand generality is built into the account : the normal justification of authority is that following it will enable its subjects better to conform with reason .
27 So , like other aspects of behaviour , while the basic capacity for its own particular language is built into the mind structure with which a creature is born , a certain degree of learning ability is inherently possessed by all living creatures .
28 Equally , of course , as Dearlove ( 1979 , p. 49 ) emphasizes , the inactivity of a particular section of the local population ( such as the National Union of Mineworkers in some mining areas ) ‘ may occur precisely because that interest is built into the very heart of the council itself ’ .
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