Example sentences of "[noun sg] is that [pron] shows " in BNC.

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1 A frequent comment of observers about a prisoner in for a serious offence like murder is that he shows no remorse .
2 The significance of the act is that it shows how much further the Lords of the Congregation were now prepared to go .
3 My final point is this : the saddest thing about the war is that it shows a gross lack of proportion .
4 Labov 's interpretation of this irregularity is that it shows the Lower-middle class to be instrumental in diffusing a change throughout the speech community by adopting and emulating what is in fact an innovatory pattern introduced by a higher-status group ( Labov 1972a : 122 ) .
5 Of course , one good thing about the Bastille fiasco is that it shows how seriously culture is taken in France .
6 An important feature of McGregor 's approach is that it shows how management assumptions are important in determining motivation and morale .
7 From the point of view of this paper , an important aspect of the model is that it shows the costs that can be imposed ( in the form of probable price wars ) when firms ' outputs are unknown to each other and demand is stochastic .
8 The irony of this fascinating book is that it shows that Charlie Francis was doing very well as a coach without giving drugs to his athletes .
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