Example sentences of "[noun sg] it is worth [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For brevity it is worth using these little symbols which are easy to learn .
2 This then inevitably means that by the early spring it is worth working the same ground a second time .
3 If you are recalled for a second interview it is worth changing to a different outfit altogether if you can afford it or have something else suitable .
4 Against this liberal orthodoxy it is worth making two points .
5 In this connexion it is worth remembering that it takes a little longer to change where cymbals are concerned ( owing to the way in which they are held ) but from bass drum to side-drum , triangle , or tambourine , or from any of these to any other , is a matter of seconds .
6 Straps should be checked for cuts and tears , especially round the rivets , and with any crampon type it is worth carrying a long strap so that emergency repairs can be made in the event of breakage .
7 If there is any possibility of a period of supervised practice before returning to work it is worth taking , in addition to any period of standard reorientation .
8 If you are in this position and you want to return to work it is worth making enquiries of your health visitor or the local authority under-fives adviser .
9 In assessing the significance of Clovis 's conversion to catholicism it is worth noting the lack of a firm association between the Burgundians and heresy .
10 If you do rely on a friend or neighbour on a fairly relaxed and informal basis it is worth showing them some appreciation occasionally , a return of favours or a thoughtful gift .
11 We will look at the details of the exercise in Chapter 8 ; for the moment it is worth noting that the review centred around an analysis of school subjects in terms of skills , concepts , and attitudes ( expressed in terms of aims and objectives ) , and an analysis of the contribution of subjects to the eight areas of experience .
12 At the moment it is worth recording that section 55 ( 1 ) of the Sale of Goods Act reads :
13 For the moment it is worth concentrating on the shared concern for speech which is typical of both the written arts and , increasingly , of sociology .
14 Before you are carried away by the possibilities of information manipulation for its own sake it is worth taking a step back and examining how much more than the pen , paper and adding machine you really need .
15 A subsequent chapter will address the question of how this threat is routinized by members of the RUC generally , but at this juncture it is worth considering how the management 's dilemma leads them to organize community and neighbourhood policing in an area like West Belfast , where attack is imminent .
16 But before jumping to that conclusion it is worth pondering whether the weed is more resistant to husbandry practice rather than the herbicide .
17 When considering an offer of a job in the community it is worth asking a few questions about the day to day management of the service , and the kind of support you can expect to get from your colleagues .
18 At this point it is worth taking a step back from the scene and recalling that the Soviet Union and all the East European states are signatories to the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution .
19 But at this point it is worth mentioning briefly that there are plenty of examples of people ‘ losing touch ’ with their elderly parents as a way of avoiding maintenance payments , during the period in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , when certain Boards of Guardians were trying rigidly to enforce financial liabilities .
20 At this point it is worth mentioning that motherboard should be securely supported under the socket .
21 As a final point it is worth reiterating that , although it takes a lot of time and intellectual effort to derive an acceptable information model using the MINSE approach , the model is independent of the actual form that the information takes in the real situation , and will remain valid until such time as the role of the organisation undergoes a fundamental change .
22 For instance , in choppy water it is worth sacrificing your angle to the wind for a little more speed to punch through the waves .
23 Before explaining how to tackle a course race it is worth looking at what makes one sailor go faster than another .
24 In the period immediately before a race it is worth eating something sweet to provide glucose and drink plenty of fluids since in a long race you can become dehydrated and can lose up to 5lb .
25 If all this is true , it is quite unclear to me in what the ‘ slim margin ’ consists , and what price it is worth paying for the war we should , on balance , want .
26 To give an idea of the syllabus for an LLB student it is worth looking at the typical curriculum in individual years .
27 In this respect it is worth asking whether it is a mere coincidence that neo-colonialism produces for the bureaucracy a reversion to pre-bureaucratic ( e.g. medieval ) forms of compensation for service to the state .
28 Before taking on any job commitment it is worth looking at your personal priorities in detail , and working out where work will fit in .
29 As a final comment it is worth attempting to put the accountability debate in some perspective .
30 While this is a continuing habit of government it is worth pondering whether governments have become more adept at doing this and whether they have encouraged the growth of a machinery with which to co-ordinate media policy generally .
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