Example sentences of "[noun sg] and he put the " in BNC.

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1 Yes , yes he was going to work and he put the brick on the pedal while he 's jumped in the back pulling on his trousers and st st steering with
2 He put it in his own holster and he put the er thumb strap over t to secure it in the holster .
3 What did you get off Father Christmas ? looking at his sack and he put the bunny in the cellar .
4 The kitten was clawing at Lowell 's trouser leg and he put the food down on the floor .
5 until about half past nine , when they said right that 's all the dir dirty work done , he said I 'm going up to have a shower and he put the carpet , rolled the carpet half back , and picked up a load of mess and we had polythene dust sheets over it
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