Example sentences of "[noun sg] of support for the " in BNC.

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1 It is also clear that there was a great deal of support for the old church throughout the country , and particularly from the gentry elites of provincial England .
2 However , combined results disguised a collapse of support for the Independent Smallholders ' Party , the other government coalition partner .
3 A loss of support for the federal government was indicated by an unexpected victory of the ruling Parti Bersatu Sabah ( PBS ) over the People 's Justice Party ( Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat — Akar ) formed in September 1989 by breakaway members of the PBS , in the Ranau by-election to the Sabah State Assembly on Dec. 9 .
4 The loss of support for the Greens was attributed to their critical stance on unification , their internal divisions , and the espousal of environmental causes by the other parties .
5 The first multiparty local elections in Romania for 45 years , held on Feb. 9 , 16 , and 28 , demonstrated significant loss of support for the ruling National Salvation Front ( NSF ) compared with the parliamentary elections held in May 1990 [ see p. 37441 ] .
6 They linked up in a silent demonstration of support for the school which is threatened with closure .
7 Both Revans and Douglas-Smith welcomed the offers made by Jacques , and the latter endorsed the position of the District as the providing body , an important indication of support for the WEA as the attitude of the resident tutor was crucial in the operation of any scheme involving co-operation between the University and the District .
8 Polling Day Weather : Dry , sunny and warm THE RESULT of the general election was thrown wide open last night , with three polls suggesting a last-minute rallying of support for the embattled Conservatives .
9 Llosa 's clear lead in the opinion polls , which had reportedly been eroded by public hostility to his saturation US$10,000,000 media campaign , was sharply reduced by the unexpected last-minute surge of support for the previously ignored Fujimori , a former rector of the Agrarian University in Lima and an independent newcomer , whose self-financed campaign promising " honesty , hard work and technology " was judged to have benefited from deep voter disillusionment with the traditional parties .
10 Nevertheless , it was the British Labour movement which was the backbone of support for the Spanish Republican government .
11 The organizational situation should be studied carefully to determine the potential that a critical mass of support for the change will develop .
12 MUCH TO their chagrin , the woes of Chancellor Kohl 's centre-right coalition have yet to produce a solid wave of support for the Social Democrats .
13 The hon. Member for Honiton talked as if there were a great wave of support for the view that he and others advocate on this matter .
14 Yesterday 's mass picket had been fuelled by last week 's decision at the Court of Session to allow meetings at the gates , and by the wave of support for the sacked workers at a rally in Dundee on Saturday .
15 This found not only a generally high level of support for the police , but that this spread throughout the class structure ( indeed was marginally higher in the working class ) .
16 It offers a high level of support for the teacher , with detailed lesson plans , suggestions for further activities , and an introduction to teaching methods .
17 Two million voted in the six republics that had formally declined to participate , among whom the level of support for the continued existence of the USSR was predictably very high .
18 For reasons which are none to clear there had been little , if any , pressure on Aldus from the existing users to form such a group and it was felt that a need was emerging for a secondary level of support for the program .
19 Is the Leader of the House aware that decisions will be taken in Brussels on 18 December about the permitted level of support for the shipbuilding industry in Europe ?
20 Although the PS candidate , who won 36.81 per cent in the first round , subsequently won the seat in the second round on June 17 with 63.29 per cent of the vote , the election highlighted the widespread concern at the level of support for the FN .
21 ‘ The public has also played its part in developing the proposals , particularly by way of a comprehensive consultation exercise during which they gave a high level of support for the principles . ’
22 Dr Anne Dew , who is organising the vigil at Dryburn hospital , Durham , said : ‘ There has been quite a bit of support for the vigil from staff in all areas of work at the hospital .
23 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
24 From the point of view of prevention , this suggests that when a lack of care arises in the context of marital separation or parental death , some kind of support for the single parent may be particularly valuable .
25 He tried to broaden the base of support for the government , relying as far as possible on legal processes in restraining the press and arresting suspects , sacking the hated Minister of Education , Tolstoy , and planning steps to alleviate the burden of redemption payments on the hardest-pressed peasants .
26 A spokesperson at the Brazilian embassy in London said that Brazil did not want to become a regular base of support for the British presence in the Falkland Islands [ see also p. 37001 ] .
27 The peasants were abandoned , and even the urban poor ( long a bastion of support for the regime ) lost their early enthusiasm .
28 Despite Edward 's concern to obtain a wide measure of support for the war and consent for the financial exactions it necessitated , the measures the government took to raise money and supplies in 1338 and 1339 gave rise to grievances which resemble those which underlay the conflicts of Edward I 's last years .
29 The final section will then examine the socio-economic configuration of support for the two parties .
30 This withdrawal of support for the housing policy was facilitated by the fact that the Planning Department had been ‘ abandoned ’ by the Councils ' topmost officials who were reluctant to share its unpopularity in any measure .
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