Example sentences of "[noun sg] could be said to " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , academics will tend to identify with their department more than their institution ; but there is a sense in which the worldwide subject-based invisible college could be said to be basic .
2 In this way Foucault could be said to be returning to Marx in removing the subject from the centre of history , were it not for the fact that he dispenses with the consolations of Marx 's historicism also .
3 Whilst any human cost of alcohol abuse could be said to be too great , it is important not to ignore both the economic and the social benefits associated with drinking .
4 Therefore Judaism and Islam could be said to be in one sense polytheistic and in one sense monotheistic .
5 By causing a subsidiary to issue preference shares to a bank , the group could be said to be ‘ window dressing ’ .
6 The borderline between ritual and custom is a little blurred ; custom could be said to be a form of ritual that has lost many of its magical or religious overtones , but still retains some of the original intent to transform .
7 well I , I think I 'll take agree Mr you know much more about these matters than I do , I just , my eye just lit upon that one I thought that would perhaps the one in which the insurance directive could be said to be attached , but if you 've told me it 's C I 'm perfectly happy to accept it as being C.
8 If BA can resell $300m of its United investment — ideally to US citizens - then its remaining equity share could be said to be only 21 per cent , airline officials in New York argue .
9 That is , in the subject of proposition 55 ‘ thought ’ is opposed to ‘ reality ’ almost as if a language game as a whole could be said to be justified by something outside it .
10 The attitude towards science in the Eagle could be said to be typical of UK comics generally .
11 A psychological rationalization could be said to be a justification for a position , which is held for reasons not related to the justification .
12 The indigenous people avoid these fish during the tree 's fruiting season and , if other fish predators do the same , the tree could be said to be operating a Securicor system for its offspring .
13 The concept of parental rights in education could be said to be concerned with the ability of parents to extend the control they are able to exert within the family to their child 's formal education , thus protecting their ‘ interest ’ in the child .
14 By this definition , the question of what would count as a comprehensive health service could be said to be a polycentric one .
15 Held , that in the opinion of the court , ( 1 ) a stay for delay or any other reason was to be imposed only in exceptional circumstances ; that , even where delay could be said to be unjustifiable , the imposition of a permanent stay was to be the exception rather than the rule ; and that even more rarely could a stay properly be imposed in the absence of fault on the part of the complainant or the prosecution , and never where the delay was due merely to the complexity of the case or contributed to by the defendant 's actions ( post , pp. 18H — 19A ) .
16 A ‘ steersman ’ in a towed vehicle will be held to be ‘ driving ’ if the extent and degree of control could be said to correctly describe ‘ driving ’ ( R v MacDonagh , [ 1974 ] RTR 372 and McQuaid v Anderton , [ 1980 ] 3 All ER 540 ) .
17 Whereas any belief can be anchored , regardless of the content of the belief , only certain sons of belief could be said to be objectified .
18 The illustration of such a double logic working at a textual level often comes to seem remarkably close to a deconstructive analysis : in the same way as Derrida or de Man could be said to be deconstructing received readings that have institutional purchase , so the new historicists shift our understanding of institutionalized historical accounts .
19 In the Hassan family , carpet manufacturing could be said to be a team effort where one loads , another weaves and another would then inspect .
20 This analysis could be said to be self-serving , yet it is not without justification ; the president was never as powerful as the critics suggested .
21 In addition , another family member could be said to ‘ weld ’ it all together .
22 Thus , for a short interlude , the religion of the monarch could be said to be neither papist nor Protestant ; and while it was safe to admit to either persuasion , it was wise to support neither too vigorously .
23 It is difficult to see how conduct could be said to be ‘ used towards ’ another person of whose existence one was oblivious .
24 If the ‘ qualified driver ’ does not do what can be reasonably expected of him regarding these duties the learner could be said to be not under supervision .
25 In other words , the undersurface curves upwards as it approaches the trailing edge.In fact this is so prominent in the Flexifoil that the section could be said to be upside down !
26 In at least one case , Afghanistan , the regime could be said to be fully subordinate to Moscow .
27 All in all , the technology could be said to be qualitatively transforming the threat to privacy which information systems , even manually sorted card indexes , have always posed .
28 The credit for the laughter at the dinner table could be said to be shared between Henry and Frank Conway .
29 How , theoretically , this connection could be said to work was rarely explained .
30 Points of view could be said to be central to the formal legal enterprise .
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