Example sentences of "[noun sg] when he 'd [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He fell asleep , but hours later he woke up and felt again — as he 'd felt for a moment in the hall when he 'd arrived — that he should n't be in this house .
2 He must have ordered them by telephone when he 'd found himself unable to contact her direct .
3 He 'd board the chopper when he 'd finished his drink , tell the pilot to take him to London Airport .
4 He 's gone for the narrow side he 's tried to squeeze it in the in the near post when he 'd got all the far post to go for .
5 And although her slenderness gave her an air of fragility , Guy had felt the gentle curves of her body when he 'd searched for a concealed weapon .
6 Clearly his gentler behaviour when he 'd returned to the hut last night had been an aberration .
7 It 's ridiculous , she thought angrily ; he can bring tears to my eyes just by making me remember the simple things , like the way he reached out and unlocked the seatbelt for me — he 'd done it with one fluid gesture , no fumbling with it — how he had flung his jacket on to the back seat with the same faultless grace , how he 'd sauntered round the back of the car with a bemused smile when he 'd winkled it into a tight spot .
8 Zen clearly remembered the occasion when he 'd felt that some detail in his office had altered .
9 He was merely taunting in his usual manner and she was quite pleased with herself that she had managed to retain some control when he 'd kissed her .
10 But , as she all at once realised that he thought , actually thought , that she had been pumping his secretary about him , so a tide of pink warmed her cheeks , and , ‘ Nothing ! ’ she exclaimed hotly , more startlement hitting her as it dawned on her that this then was the reason for his fury when he 'd seen them together .
11 And she had n't honestly thought he had — until just a few hours ago on the beach when he 'd said that this was goodbye .
12 Leith was n't embarrassed , just saddened that his love for her friend had brought him to this , as he revealed how , for fear of losing what little chance he had with Rosemary , he had kept quiet about his love when he 'd wanted to shout it from the rooftops .
13 ‘ That was great , ’ said Perdita in amazement when he 'd finished .
14 There were still gaps on the form when he 'd finished , mainly relating to Sampson 's personal details .
15 She 'd felt that strength when he 'd scooped her easily into his arms .
16 ‘ Not so clever he thought to put a bit by to take care of you lot when he 'd gone , ’ Uncle Philip pointed out reasonably .
17 When Philip had been in hospital when he 'd had croup that 's what he hated worst , the pulling of the curtains .
18 She had fought him off like a veritable wildcat when he 'd slung a few well-deserved insults at her , and then had had the gall to deny she had turned traitor , although her brother held his castle for Matilda , and God only knew what she , herself , had done for the Empress .
19 Then she remembered his horror when he 'd said , ‘ Do n't tell me you 're a virgin ! ’ and her heart closed in on itself like a wounded animal .
20 Taking money when he 'd got erm he accuses him of taking a bribe when
21 Anything that kept her from running into Nicolo Sabatini was absolutely fine , which was why she had been delighted a few mornings later at the breakfast-table when he 'd told her he would be away for a few days .
22 His face wore that concentrated look she had grown used to , as if everything he did was the focus of all his energies — like the look when he 'd taken her in his arms and made his kiss seem the still point of the entire universe .
23 He had got Sir Geoffrey 's note when he 'd looked into his own office at lunchtime .
24 He remembered the child 's face when he 'd tried to explain to her about devils .
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