Example sentences of "[noun sg] when [pers pn] heard [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I remember the shock of fear when I heard her scream and the sickening jolt of pain through my stomach when I saw the angle of her hand to her arm .
2 She turned her face away from the light when she heard his voice , but Jan Coggan had also recognized her .
3 I confess that I literally gasped with disbelief when I heard him calmly announce his determination to get rid of the poll tax at the first possible opportunity .
4 She knew panic when she heard it , and sheer panic was in Philip Arbuthnot 's voice .
5 Jimmy looked up at the ceiling when he heard it .
6 He was thinking about school dinners and salty cabbage when he heard her other voice , her harsh , cold , angry voice , screeching from the hallway downstairs .
7 Nigel liked the sound of all that — he thought parts of her story might be an exaggeration — the Arab princes — but he recognized a good PR job when he heard one .
8 Sometimes the Youngest Son would speak , standing in some automatic obeisance when he heard his father 's voice .
9 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
10 I was shaking with fright when I heard what happened . ’
11 The Chancellor , an experienced man , knew an opening of consequence when he heard it .
12 He was in his room when he heard his Mum and Dad come back .
13 I did n't know he was home and I was just on the point of going into her room when I heard him . ’
14 He would n't come to the phone when he heard who it was .
15 She let it fall back into the water when she heard what John had told Larry .
16 However , her face lit up in a smile when she heard his voice .
17 I just recall that I got a bit of a shock when I heard they found him on MOD property .
18 Indeed , I recall one occasion when I heard him and Tony Benn separately on the radio and they were expressing essentially the same opinions about the same issues .
19 But they 'd asked me for an epitaph not an editorial and , in any case , I 'd already got the clear impression that most of these unaccustomed mourners could recognise a tolling bell when they heard it , but that like so many of the other warnings that had been laid on them over the years by teachers , social workers and magistrates , they had simply decided that any other way of life was simply too dull , too straight , even to be contemplated .
20 He argued so acutely and convincingly that each party hoped for victory when it heard him arguing on its behalf and there was no advocate who appeared before him who did not greatly fear his cross-examination and interventions .
21 The Bradfords would soon put her out of the door when they heard she was having a baby , but she did n't know where she would go .
22 ‘ I know that I did n't make a mistake when I heard my telephone ringing last night .
23 The woman who found the victim in her garden said : ‘ I was in bed when I heard her whimpering outside my bedroom .
24 My first thought when I heard I 'd got the part was : ‘ Bang goes my knighthood ! ’ ’
25 It was supposed to be a big secret when we heard it but Open Systems Today must have announced it internally by now — it 's killing off its stepchild , the Santa Cruz Magazine .
26 It was supposed to be a big secret when we heard it but Open Systems Today must have announced internally by now that it 's killing off its stepchild SCO Magazine .
27 She was writing down a message when she heard someone come into the room and knew without turning that it was Robert .
28 And Phil Oakey must have eaten his own fringe when he heard what they 'd done to his malevolently provincial classic ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ .
29 You were very clear you were an and I do n't think Lynne even adopted a certain authority about the information when I heard her reading it out .
30 A BANNED driver took a chance and used a van to rush to hospital when he heard his wife was about to have twins .
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