Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [vb past] [be] involved " in BNC.

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1 There medical ethics did not prove an obstacle , there being divided medical opinions , but the wardship jurisdiction of the court was invoked by a local authority educational psychologist who had been involved with the case .
2 Herbie Connors was the local water bailiff who had been involved in a personal battle of wits with Yanto ever since his return home from the war .
3 This was a middle-aged man who had been involved in a road accident after which he suffered from headaches , difficulty in walking , and a total lack of sleep .
4 The organisation claimed he was a Catholic who had been involved with the Army , the Royal Ulster Constabulary and loyalist terrorists .
5 For example , emotional problems are often presented as justification for a person 's drunkenness , especially if they are female , and on one occasion a youth who had been involved in an accident but who had only just passed his driving test was let off with a caution by a policewoman in sympathy for his inexperience .
6 A hospital doctor who had been involved in the force-feeding was shot dead by GRAPO in Zaragoza on March 27 , provoking a two-hour strike by doctors throughout Spain .
7 The Ulster Volunteer Force admitted responsibility for the shooting and claimed that the man was an active Irish Republican Army member who had been involved with the killing of four Ulster Defence Regiment soldiers at Downpatrick , Co Down , in April 1990 .
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