Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [be] set up " in BNC.

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1 In these cases a Boolean AND condition can be set up .
2 This research can be set up and carried out very quickly by a competent research agency , and will cost ( 1992 prices ) some £1200 per group or £110–125 per individual interview .
3 Committees of enquiry can be set up ad hoc to look into particular matters , but a government can always prevent one being set up if it fears that the results may be embarrassing , since a majority of the Assemblée must vote for their creation .
4 To resolve this instability regular patterns of rising and falling liquid can be set up .
5 Each Database can be set up with a range of users and passwords .
6 Of course a spindle moulder can be set up to produce this type of moulding for long runs , but in the restoration of old furniture there is little call for such a machine .
7 Unfortunately for Brazil , even if the economics ministry succeeds in uniting the country 's industry behind quotas , there will be plenty of arguing before any international system can be set up .
8 A conference system can be set up whereby up to six people can listen and talk simultaneously .
9 The system can be set up experimentally by measuring the time taken to attain each speed level and minimising this time by adjusting the previous speed level ; the time taken to reach stepping rate f2 is measured and the value off , adjusted until this time is a minimum , then continue by adjusting f1 while measuring the time to reach f3 etc .
10 Once again , a special link can be set up across the project teams ; in this example allowing Sally to access all of Frank 's modules .
11 The former is making quite a name for itself , as it works well under Windows and as its device driver can be set up as a ‘ printer device ’ within Windows , the output of almost any Windows application that produces output to a printer , can be ‘ diverted ’ and sent as a FAX .
12 Each workstation on the network can be set up to decide whether it will accept work being thrown at it , and tells the central manager what resources ( memory size , architecture and so forth ) that it has available for running jobs .
13 LANtastic is a peer-to-peer system and because the memory requirement of LANtastic is low , each computer on the network can be set up as a server and still function as a regular PC .
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