Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [adv] give [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
2 The application of such a rule can undoubtedly give rise to difficulties in certain sets of circumstances , but so can the suggested rule that economic loss may be recovered provided it is directly consequential on physical damage .
3 A general term can not give rise to zeugma in this way :
4 Persons who do not understand the nature of the act can not give consent .
5 The Court of Victoria rightly rejected the contention that a careless act can never give rise to a cause of action in negligence unless there is in existence at the time of the act a legal person affected by it who can sue .
6 He can now get both in the same action , because the same court can both give damages and also grant an injunction .
7 The court can then give consent to the proposed treatment or withholding of treatment , if it thinks this is in the best interests of the child .
8 The examiner can not give credit for irrelevancy , because that would be unfair to others who have answered only the question that they were asked .
9 The hardware used for data collection can also give rise to differences in recognition performance .
10 The principal can also give assistance to the agent by helping in the commercial negotiations between the agent and important customers , helping with special discounts or credit arrangements in order to secure business .
11 A spokesman for FISA said yesterday : ‘ This is a very important issue and at the moment the French Federation can not give guarantees to safeguard the cars — so the race may have to be cancelled . ’
12 The centre can also give advice on benefits , which is obviously really important when you 've just lost your job .
13 On another occasion , I would want to argue that , despite the problems , comparisons with the English system can only give ground for encouragement and that we should be thinking of extending the Scottish system beyond the age of 16 to include offenders under 21 .
14 The income arising to the trust can only be taxed under Schedule D , Case IV or V. Payments from the trust can only give rise to a new source under Case V. Those Cases give the taxpayer the benefit of the remittance basis .
15 In fact , the text can only give bones to the story .
16 Yet literature can only give access to the values entertained by the members of literate communities and in these only for persons able to apprehend what they read .
17 Likewise the end glasses , as angled shots at the ends of the tank can also give rise to flash reflections .
18 The Office can also give information on grants that are available to certain people who , at present , have no insulation in their home at all .
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