Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [adv] be expect " in BNC.

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31 The applicant is required to certify that he has taken nature conservation into account when implementing his scheme , even though the average farmer can not be expected to be capable of assessing such impacts .
32 As even the Treasury probably does not have a sufficiently sophisticated model to calculate where exchange rates or interest rates will go , the cleverest entrepreneur can not be expected to give a correct answer .
33 The outcome is that adjectives expressing the more basic types of property can generally be expected to appear prenominally but not postnominally .
34 Yet one must consider that such an undertaking without cost information can only be expected to give a limited explanation because the production yield depends considerably on the geometry of the articles .
35 This combination can not be expected to be homogeneous to start with .
36 There is no honest way in which a forecaster can legitimately be expected to insert discontinuities , because by definition they are unpredictable .
37 One point he made which I have rarely seen put forward so well : that the audience can not be expected to follow any profound drama at all levels at once , and that there may be certain aspects which remain beyond the audience 's comprehension altogether .
38 The production of compound documents requires a different approach , no single program can really be expected to be a word processor , graphics package , illustrator and page makeup in one .
39 Notwithstanding the possible ground for distinguishing between the two cases , therefore , there remains a fundamental doubt as to just how much policy innovation can reasonably be expected from the British judiciary especially in such a politically sensitive area as defence policy .
40 It follows that the duty can not be expected to play a major part in controlling managerialist tendencies .
41 For long chains , co-operative motion can not be expected to extend along the entire length , and the polymer tends to act as if it were composed of a series of interconnected , but independent , kinetic units .
42 It must always be kept in mind that the nurse can not be expected to become an expert in the speciality from a short allocation .
43 Without a market for externalities the price system can not be expected to bring marginal costs and marginal benefits of these externalities into line .
44 Yet without these forward markets the price system can not be expected to ensure that the marginal cost and marginal benefits of planned future goods are equal .
45 In such cases , although adult reaction and response to questions and discussion can not be expected , I feel that the child can be approached directly with a view to exploring the significance of the behaviour to himself or herself .
46 The biological resources that just supported small nomadic populations at a neolithic level of culture can not be expected to support larger populations at southern standards of living .
47 Patients refused admission can not be expected to take much comfort from this explanation of their plight .
48 Under the Industrial Relations Code of Practice , paragraph 62 , a contract can reasonably be expected to give information about :
49 As the key range , nine digits , is potentially 10 000 times the address range , 100 000 , even division can only be expected to equal or very marginally improve on perfect randomization .
50 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
51 It has to be remembered that in the case of a unitized load , whether palletized or containerized , the driver can not be expected to pontificate upon the true nature , condition or quality of the goods being carried .
52 On the other hand , in a Keynesian model where an increase in the supply of money can generally be expected to have real effects , i.e. where output will rise , the private sector will be able rationally to predict these quantity effects from the correct model ( in this case Keynesian ) which is included in the information set .
53 It is , of course , important to improve the trial process as much as possible but the trial can not be expected to offer an alternative to testing by way of re-investigation for reasons similar to those that led us to reject prosecutorial review as an alternative .
54 The market can not be expected to exercise self- restraint — this is the duty of government .
55 ( f ) Special notices relating to leasehold property When a property is sold subject to tenancies , the seller 's solicitors should prepare and hand over on completion an authority to each tenant to pay future rent to the buyer ; without such authority the tenant can not be expected to recognise the change of landlord .
56 If the amount passes the test of s 11(4) , then that amount is all that the party in breach can reasonably be expected to pay , however much loss the other party suffers , and even for total failure to perform caused by wilful default .
57 Preferences can change , and if different political parties have differing views , a private rather than social interest can not be expected to persist for ever .
58 The first pruning after planting is the important formative prune — the plant can not be expected to grow right if it does not start right .
59 Because the phallic stage of sexual development continues for the Australian aborigines right up to puberty and because resolution of the Oedipus complex can not occur until initiation , it follows as a matter of inexorable logic that a latency period recognizable as a consequence of a culturally induced culmination of the Oedipal stage can not be expected .
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