Example sentences of "[noun sg] can not maintain a " in BNC.

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1 I would allow this appeal and in answer to the first question raised by the preliminary point of law declare that the council can not maintain an action for libel for any words which reflect upon it as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund .
2 If the seller can not maintain an action under section 49 , he may still have a claim for damages which he can bring under section 50 ‘ where the buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to accept and pay for the goods . ’
3 ‘ although a corporation can not maintain an action for libel in respect of anything reflecting upon them personally , yet they can maintain an action for a libel reflecting on the management of their trade or business , and this without alleging or proving special damage .
4 For this reason a non-occupier can not maintain a claim in nuisance and an occupier 's right to damages for his personal injuries is ancillary to his claim for compensation for damage to his property .
5 The way in which this is worked out in law may be that it would be an abuse of the process of the court to allow the creditor under such circumstances to sue , or it may be , and I prefer that view , that there is an extinction of the debt ; but , whichever way it is put , it comes to the same thing , namely that , after acceptance by the creditor of a sum offered by a third party in settlement of the claim against the debtor , the creditor can not maintain an action for the balance … .
6 We think that such a duty is imposed by law ; and on consideration of the Statute of Elizabeth , l and of the cases which have been decided on this subject , we are all of the opinion that a party can not maintain an action for compensation for loss of time in attending a trial as a witness .
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