Example sentences of "[noun sg] can not be expected " in BNC.

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1 As with any evasion , the horse can not be expected to know that he is not supposed to do it .
2 An ageing labour force can not be expected to be a mobile one .
3 In other words the employer 's conduct is so bad that a reasonable employee can not be expected to endure it any longer .
4 The Vendor can not be expected to anticipate what is and what is not material to a Purchaser .
5 The Vendor can not be expected to underwrite the credit worthiness of the Business 's debtors which is the effect of this warranty .
6 The role of the Crown Estate Commissioners in the management of fish farming can not be expected to fill the gap of a national policy which would properly regulate the industry " .
7 A litter of truly wild rabbits taken into captivity and contained in a hutch can not be expected to live very long .
8 Alan Winter , deputy managing director of Legal & General 's property arm , says market balance in the Square Mile can not be expected before 1994–95 .
9 Leadership can not be expected from those quarters .
10 Trade unions are only as strong as their membership allows them to be and their leadership can not be expected to perform miracles .
11 But the health watchdogs have countered that one person can not be expected to be on call all the time , and that person might also not be available .
12 Furthermore , a landlord can not be expected to spend years chasing after a tenant in order to avail the tenant of the proceeds of sale .
13 Someone who has not the concept of age can not be expected to see someone as young or old .
14 Now , according to Luke Rittner , a Secretary of State directly accountable to the Cabinet can not be expected to have his hands tied on how his department 's money is spent .
15 Such a fluid working arrangement can not be expected to work in a larger industrial firm .
16 And the consumer can not be expected to do it all on his own .
17 This was not surprising , for a weak government can not be expected to have an efficient police-service , or army .
18 Notwithstanding such examples , children growing up m a rapidly changing technological society can not be expected to master all that they require to know if their learning is totally haphazard and unstructured .
19 The applicant is required to certify that he has taken nature conservation into account when implementing his scheme , even though the average farmer can not be expected to be capable of assessing such impacts .
20 As even the Treasury probably does not have a sufficiently sophisticated model to calculate where exchange rates or interest rates will go , the cleverest entrepreneur can not be expected to give a correct answer .
21 This combination can not be expected to be homogeneous to start with .
22 One point he made which I have rarely seen put forward so well : that the audience can not be expected to follow any profound drama at all levels at once , and that there may be certain aspects which remain beyond the audience 's comprehension altogether .
23 It follows that the duty can not be expected to play a major part in controlling managerialist tendencies .
24 For long chains , co-operative motion can not be expected to extend along the entire length , and the polymer tends to act as if it were composed of a series of interconnected , but independent , kinetic units .
25 It must always be kept in mind that the nurse can not be expected to become an expert in the speciality from a short allocation .
26 Without a market for externalities the price system can not be expected to bring marginal costs and marginal benefits of these externalities into line .
27 Yet without these forward markets the price system can not be expected to ensure that the marginal cost and marginal benefits of planned future goods are equal .
28 In such cases , although adult reaction and response to questions and discussion can not be expected , I feel that the child can be approached directly with a view to exploring the significance of the behaviour to himself or herself .
29 The biological resources that just supported small nomadic populations at a neolithic level of culture can not be expected to support larger populations at southern standards of living .
30 Patients refused admission can not be expected to take much comfort from this explanation of their plight .
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