Example sentences of "[noun sg] has [be] held [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the event , few new Irish peerages have been created since 1800 , and no election has been held since 1922 when the Irish Free State came into being .
2 A State funeral mass has been held in Rome for the film director who died at the weekend .
3 The grant for the RSNO has been held at £1.82 million , the same as in the current financial year .
4 An eleven year old boy has been held at gunpoint by armed raiders and forced to lead them to money and jewellery at his family home .
5 Since 1973 , an annual conference devoted to the applications of computing and mathematics to archaeology has been held at varying locations in Britain .
6 Pedalling an auto-assisted bicycle without starting the engine has been held to be driving away .
7 This is the first time the conference has been held in Stoke-on-Trent and is especially significant to Wedgwood since the Moat House incorporates Etruria Hall , the home of Josiah I. A Wedgwood stand and demonstrator will be on display at the conference .
8 I suggest that the best aid that could be given to East Timor would be an arms embargo on Indonesia until an independent United Nations inquiry has been held into the slaughter of many defenceless men , women and children by the Indonesian army .
9 Meanwhile the funeral has been held of a fifteen year old girl who was killed in a crash involving a stolen car .
10 After an initial post-independence surge , primary school enrolment has been held at around 46 per cent by the destruction of rural schools and the resulting lack of access for many nominally enrolled pupils .
11 In a number of decided cases a landlord has been held to be acting reasonably in refusing consent in these circumstances :
12 In civil proceedings similar fact evidence has been held to be admissible where logically relevant provided that this will not be oppressive or unfair to the party concerned ( Mood Music Publishing v De Wolfe Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 Ch 119 ) .
13 Meanwhile a memorial service has been held for the former cabinet minister and Cotswolds MP Nicholas Ridley .
14 A memorial service has been held for the survivors and relatives of those who lost their lives in an air crash fifty years ago .
15 A memorial service has been held for the survivors and relatives of those who lost their lives in an air crash fifty years ago .
16 A church service has been held in memory of a man who was stabbed to death in his back garden .
17 Earnings per share for the first half were reduced to 5.47p , against 7.83p last time , but the interim dividend has been held at 1.5p .
18 Interest charges fell from £2.5 million to under £500,0000 and gearing has been held at 29 per cent .
19 For that God has been conceived as male , and that biblical teaching which arose out of a patriarchal society has been held to be the revelation of God , must surely be seen to be the underlying facts of western culture which have led to discrimination against women .
20 In the course of history jade has been held in highest esteem among four quite distinct groups of people , the Chinese from the later stone age to modern times , the neolithic inhabitants of substantial parts of temperate Europe , the Maori of New Zealand and in the New World the inhabitants of early Mexico from as far back as Maya times .
21 For example , one Lambodar Gorain has been held in Ranchi Jail since 18th June 1970 , for an offence under Section 25 of the Arms Act … with the result that he has been in prison for eight and a half years for an offence for which even if convicted , he could not have been awarded more than two years imprisonment … .
22 The £500,000 UK account has been held by FCA ! for some years .
23 ( b ) Public interest privilege Certain information has been held to be privileged because there is a public interest in maintaining its confidentiality .
24 As for animals belonging to a dangerous species , a camel has been held to be such because it may cause severe injury by kicking and biting , but strict liability was imposed for injuries suffered by falling off the camel because of its irregular gait .
25 They will be competing at the Haribo meet in Bonn , where the German World Cup fixture has been held for the past four years and where many world and European records have been broken .
26 For instance , Heisenberg 's indeterminacy principle has been held to be a reason to reject the Law of Excluded Middle .
27 Each member 's contribution has been held at £15,000 for the second year .
28 The high esteem in which gold has been held in most parts of the world , the relative ease with which it can be wrought and not least its capacity for combining with other desirable things have led to its being favoured above all others for jewellery , objects of parade and a variety of insignia of status .
29 To ‘ off-comed 'uns ’ it is not even a large village , with only 2,080 inhabitants , but to the native it is a town because it has held a market charter since 1223 and although no market has been held for many years , the charter was read once a year in the market place until 1939 .
30 Many countries , mainly those in the civil law tradition , have made this declaration , including Belgium , Czechoslovakia , Egypt , France , Germany , Luxembourg , Norway , Portugal , Seychelles and Turkey ( but not Italy ) ; accordingly an attempt to serve process via a United States Vice-Consul in the German Federal Republic has been held to be ineffective and the Netherlands Ministry of External Affairs was held to have acted properly when it refused to accept a document intended for service via the diplomatic channel on a defendant in France .
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