Example sentences of "[noun sg] as [pers pn] have developed " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , following these conventional divisions does enable us to discuss sociological theories of crime as they have developed .
2 Daniel had been offering to lend her his favourite book of poetry as she had developed a liking for it .
3 Rather than merely assert that what we desire is already reality , therefore , I would argue that our job is to discuss the contradictions and possibilities in the law as it has developed historically , as part of and in response to political and economic struggles .
4 Calvinism as it had developed and hardened had tended to place a huge emphasis on man 's total depravity and sinfulness , to limit the forgiveness offered in Jesus Christ to the ‘ elect ’ , and to speak as if faith were a condition of forgiveness , our side of a bargain made with God .
5 From the debate as it has developed so far , various things seem to me to be clear :
6 The centralizing and autocratic nature of papal monarchy as it had developed after the Gregorian Reform of the eleventh century was probably the principal underlying problem behind the sixteenth-century Reformation .
7 He concluded that her refusal did not extend to the situation as it had developed and granted the declaration sought .
8 The basic logic of her programme since 1979 had been to reverse the main lines of her country 's history as it had developed since the Second World War .
9 Bob Watt , chairman of Livingston Development Corporation , said : ‘ We are conscious of the potential of Russell Corporation 's expansion within Europe and have worked closely with the company as it has developed .
10 This exhibited in an outward and visible form the power of the papacy as it had developed by the late twelfth century .
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