Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [be] talking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I thought you know , I did think when they were talking , when the council they were talking about spending a lot of money behind the station
2 Er it sort of goes in four ways I mean the fathers talk more directly than the mothers whether or not it 's a boy or a girl they 're talking to .
3 ‘ Do you realize , Charles , that if these Labour Johnnies go and slap on this gift tax they 're talking about , crimes like young Nigel Steen 's wo n't be worth committing . ’
4 Again this is a common and ‘ normal ’ reaction , but many people feel so ashamed of thoughts like these that they hardly dare express them unless they feel safe enough to do so and trust the person they are talking to sufficiently for such a revelation to seem acceptable .
5 Lots of people turn off as soon as the person they 're talking to reveals an interest in or opinion on something they dislike or disagree with .
6 Every now and again people would step neatly aside while the person they were talking to was sick on the floor .
7 Any systematic variation must have been the result of the reaction of passers-by to the apparent social class of the person they were talking to , since all other variables were held constant .
8 Turn your back they 're talking to you say they 've been nasty and then they come back and talk to you .
9 But not the news they 're talking about this .
10 Well , all I can say was , I been , seen the building , and there were a lot of the work was being done under supervision of David under a community project , and for the amount of money they 're talking about , three hundred pound , they 're not going to put a mezzanine , I mean what they were doing , is gon na put something across the trusses so they can store something there , are n't they ?
11 Could you be one of the owners of this cottage they 're talking about ? ’
12 It was a child 's life they were talking about , after all .
13 The other , more disturbing reading is that the Shakespearian phrases are made appropriate because the present situation reinterprets them in such a way that we are forced to wonder if a Burbank-Volupine situation was not just the sort of thing they were talking about all along .
14 And anyway so we went to er over to Egypt and then it was when we came back and I I , the other morning on the radio they was talking about asking people to ring in about , I 've never rang in , I never bother ring , er how they spent their twenty first birthday .
15 and millions of angels and also a general assembly and the congregation of the firstborn who have been enrolled in the heavens and also go with judge all and the spirit lives the brightest ones who have been made perfect , now , see most bible versions do n't use that spiritual there , they render it as spirit lives the brightest ones who have been made perfect , now is that verse they 're talking about the apostles then reaching up to perfection and
16 Mrs Short : The way they were talking at that meeting George is going to residential school .
17 ‘ Last year eight of the lads toured India , this year they 're talking of Zimbabwe , ’ says the chairman .
18 ‘ All the time they are talking about how they can boost their goals tally .
19 We have made a bid of nearly £700m for a company with a book value of £200m — we 've acknowledged there is some extra worth there , but I can not see the sort of value they are talking about in property .
20 At this stage they are talking of a concept .
21 At this stage they are talking of a concept .
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