Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh adv] [pron] have left " in BNC.

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1 She was not reluctant to talk about herself , and described with glee how she had left Scaraby through the sewers , emerging on the northern verges of Haling Heart .
2 She ran upstairs to the bedroom where she had left her coat .
3 After an hour the sun clouded over , so they picked up their things and started back towards the fence where they had left their bicycles .
4 Replacing the crockery in the cupboard , she walked back to the desk where she had left her bag , and stopped suddenly in her tracks , seeing Rourke 's familiar figure looming ahead .
5 And talking of books , The Forest and the Fire still lay on the pillow where he had left it , before getting undressed .
6 While he was getting ready , I wandered back to the turning where I 'd left Armstrong and looked back across the road .
7 She went over to the shelf where she had left her drink , and stared down in dismay at the overturned glass , the shards of crystal glinting wickedly up at her in the dim light .
8 Endill climbed to the shelf where he had left the cough mixture and saw that it had gone .
9 I was coming near to the place where I 'd left Vern sitting on the bench .
10 A few moments later they passed Gilberto walking back up the hill to the place where he had left his own car , just below the massive wall of the columbarium in the cemetery where Ruggiero Miletti had been interred two hours previously .
11 I stood in the slanting sunlight , warm and yellow around me , the stench of burning flesh and grass on the wind , the smoke rising into the air from burrows and cadavers , grey and black , the sweet smell of leaking unburned petrol coming from the Flame-thrower where I 'd left it , and I breathed deeply .
12 Frances smiled at the chair where she 'd left all her weary years .
13 She went back to the overgrown ride where she had left Lord Wyatt .
14 My Exhilarator visor was still in the grass where I 'd left it and I sat down beside it to take stock of my stings , bruises and cuts .
15 I had to go about north-north-east , and if I hit the coast in the wrong place I could go first one way , then the other , until I came to the shingle where I had left the dinghy .
16 I asked Duncan to come over the road and look at the unmade road where I 'd left Armstrong .
17 There were candles and matches on a ledge just inside the front door where she had left them on her last visit , for Lydia was in fact a sufficiently practical person and not the ass she sometimes chose to appear .
18 At the villa , she found a screw of paper in the flowerpot where she had left the key .
19 She stood up and ran over to the bush where she had left her clothes .
20 That was the reason why I had left the Dublin coach in County Meath , before reaching the city .
21 They were all in the kitchen where she had left them a few minutes earlier .
22 ‘ Yes , I do know , ’ she said , rising to collect her things from the kitchen where she had left them , ‘ but I have no intention of obliging the Master further , either now , or in the future . ’
23 It was considerably more than the hour Friar Tuck had reckoned on when he and the Trapper emerged on the track where he had left Marian and Allen .
24 On discovering the bottle on the mantel where I 'd left it , my mother became quite agitated .
25 Mariana had moved to the table where he had left the map .
26 He walked to the table where he 'd left his brandy snifter , lifted it , and drained it of liquid .
27 Finally , she snatched up the envelope from the table where she 'd left it and carried it to the one window that might , if she were lucky , catch a vagrant breeze from the river a block away .
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