Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] could be drawn " in BNC.

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1 Their leader , George Plekhanov ( 1856–1918 ) , wrote the founding texts of Russian Marxism , spelling out with crystal clarity the implications for Russia 's future that could be drawn from Marx 's socio-economic analysis .
2 A tentative conclusion that could be drawn from the discussion of platelet-function abnormalities in diabetics would be that the increased platelet reactivity may represent a prethrombotic state and contribute to the as-yet-unexplained increased vascular risk in these patients .
3 One obvious conclusion that could be drawn from the review is that the Japanese are steaming ahead with welldefined information technology plans .
4 The conclusion that could be drawn from this argument is that is not a phoneme of English , but is an allophone of several different vowel phonemes when those phonemes occur in an unstressed syllable .
5 Blinds drawn down in the heat of the day had made an oasis of quiet shadow , a source of energy that could be drawn on now like a pool of pure water guarded from the dust of the track .
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