Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] be almost a " in BNC.

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1 There was a fractional gap in time in which she went blind and deaf and limp , a second that was almost a miniature swoon in essence , but so infinitesimal that she was n't even aware of the fleeting relief , the madness in her again instantly , the craving , unbearably heightened by this first knowledge of his nakedness in contact with hers .
2 Luke gave a shuddering sigh that was almost a sob and a tear rolled down his cheek .
3 With a sigh that was almost a gurgle of gratification , she found the slippery spread .
4 She seemed to be staring back at him with a smile that was almost a grimace of pain yet somehow full of mockery .
5 He unclipped a plastic water-bottle from his belt and held it out with a smile that was almost a grin .
6 With a bobbing movement that was almost a curtsey , Madame Delon hurried away .
7 ‘ I did n't know it was a matter of taking sides , Joe , ’ Ashdown said with a gentleness that was almost a reprimand .
8 ‘ And yet , ’ he said after a moment , in a voice that was almost a whisper , ‘ and yet , last night , when you thought I was interested in you … ’
9 As a rule , he prefers to shake his finger at men as they move by wrong paths from the cradle to the grave , and to remind himself with a frown that he , too , is human — a frown that is almost a sigh :
10 He was standing on the exposed rocks at the highest point of the headland ; the ground fell away steeply from here , mostly bare rock and scrub , with just a narrow shelf of land that was almost a beach down at the water 's edge .
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