Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] sir [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Attending the unveiling ceremony was Sir Iain Tennant , Moray 's Lord Lieutenant and the son of G/C Tennant and the son of crew member P/O Alex Gill , who was also killed in the crash .
2 The head of the delegation was Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar ( later Lord Inchyra ) , who was impressed by Hayman 's abilities and recommended his permanent transfer to overseas service .
3 The heroes of this campaign were Sir David English , Sir Nicholas Lloyd , Kelvin MacKenzie and the other editors of the grander Tory press .
4 Her chief adviser since the death of her husband was Sir Thomas Vaughan , now appointed surveyor and demiser of the revenues of the Norfolk inheritance .
5 Why Brunel should have agreed to spare the time to become involved with the competition is not clear , except that his brother-in-law and close friend was Sir Benjamin Hawes , who had framed the War Department 's accommodation schedule .
6 His name was Sir Humphrey Agnew , and he had consorted with a witch hereabouts .
7 The judges for the prize were Sir Roger de Grey , Norman Adams , Keeper of the RA Schools , Stewart Steven , editor of the Mail on Sunday , Chris Lycett , head of Radio One music , Andrew Kalman , director of the Crane Gallery and Ian Spero , managing director of Spero Communications .
8 Her father was Sir Charles Dobson .
9 The original model of the place had been one of an unintrusive liberal Christianity , and the first Principal was Sir Walter Moberly — a don and Vice-Chancellor who came from one of the great dynasties of bishops , scholars , and headmasters ( of Public Schools , of course ) .
10 The next owner was Sir John Ashburnham , who became Lord Ashburnham and , in 1664 , the property was bought by King Charles II , who granted the estate to his son , James , Duke of Monmouth .
11 Present at the launch was Sir Richard Gaskell , a partner in one of the member firms and a Past President of the Law Society .
12 The moving spirit behind the November 1989 Commons debate was Sir Ian Lloyd , who delivered a grand and gloomy swan song as chairman of the Commons ' Energy Committee .
13 Such a man was Sir John Sargent of Datchet , Bucks. , who had no less than £50 a year and 100 marks in moveables quite possibly he was a fellow of Eton College or a canon of St George 's Chapel , Windsor , both of which lay within walking distance .
14 Another who was passionately fond of self-effacement was Sir George Goldie , the man who ruled Nigeria in the days of the Niger Company , and whom some credited with being the original progenitor of Indirect Rule .
15 His uncle was Sir Hector Munro , general [ q.v . ] .
16 The new Financial Secretary was Sir Hardman Lever , a businessman brought in from outside politics to galvanize the Treasury .
17 Possibly the most curious budget tipple was Sir Derick Heathcoat-Amory 's , rum and honey in cold milk .
18 His next-door neighbour was Sir Adrian Boult , the conductor , but there is no evidence of their being neighbourly in any accepted sense of the word .
19 One of the guest conductors for the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra that year was Sir Thomas Beecham .
20 Its Treasurer was Sir Edwin Sandys , Hooker 's pupil and executor .
21 The typical childhood of an upper-class English boy of the late seventeenth century was Sir Robert Walpole 's , who was born in 1676 .
22 Without question its most enthusiastic supporter was Sir Walter Runciman , whose ear , and whose confidence and friendship , Wilson had first gained in 1887 , and who had in the interim become a considerable steamship owner and a source of radical thinking within the Shipping Federation .
23 The existence of the Secret Intelligence Service ( SIS ) , commonly known as MI6 , was publicly acknowledged for the first time by the government when Major announced on May 6 that the service would , like its domestic intelligence counterpart MI5 [ see p. 37158 ] , be placed on a statutory basis during the 1992-93 session of Parliament , and confirmed that its Chief was Sir Colin McColl .
24 The man who was the driving force behind bringing them to Britain for surgery was Sir Jimmy Savile .
25 At the Forest Eyre which opened before him at Windsor in September 1632 , counsel for the Crown was Sir William Noy , the Attorney-General , a learned lawyer determined to re-establish Forest rights which had long been forgotten .
26 The chairman was Sir John Newsom , and in 1966 we set to work .
27 Initially the chairman was Sir Edward Boyle , followed by the shadow Home Secretary , Peter Thorneycroft , when Boyle moved on to become deputy chairman of the Advisory Committee on Policy .
28 President of the court-martial was Sir Richard Bickerton- Bart , Rear Admiral of the Blue and Second Officer in Command of His Majesty 's Ships and Vessels at Portsmouth and Spithead Sitting on either side of him were twelve captains .
29 His successor was Sir Clive Wigram , who in June 1931 attended another dinner , this time given by a South African millionaire , Sir Abe Bailey , to promote the National Government conception .
30 Another source of support was Sir Laurens van der Post , who had also known Mountbatten , and who had been a Japanese prisoner of war in Java .
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