Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] likely to [be] " in BNC.

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1 They landed at 0600 hours , unopposed by a German garrison satiated on Christmas fare ; the commando planners picking times for a strike force to land when the enemy were likely to be off-guard .
2 BR complained that the result was likely to be deteriorating services , especially since there was simultaneous pressure to keep down tariffs , while BR 's costs themselves were rising faster than the retail price index .
3 Opposition was likely to be stronger where children were transferred to another small school rather than to a larger school .
4 Well erm if I were then to ask you when what was your best estimate to when the programme was likely to be commenced .
5 Every professor was likely to be approached towards finals …
6 Mr Richard Collin , director of central services , said the council had set aside £2.3m. for bad debts this year , but the actual figure was likely to be £4.1m .
7 However , it was thought that recourse to judicial review was likely to be rare .
8 But Mexico had the support of the big western governments ; legal action was likely to be futile .
9 The plain truth is that in such a situation , when the defendant was actually walking away from the scene , no further breaches of the peace were likely to be occasioned by him .
10 Here , almost any topic under the sun was likely to be tossed about in the course of a morning 's talk .
11 In the case of minor posts the monarch 's influence was likely to be less firmly and more sporadically exercised .
12 The indicators in Belfast were all concerned with relationships of kin , work and friendship , contracted within a defined territorial area where their influence was likely to be considerable .
13 Withdrawal was likely to be effective — or , at any rate , more likely than in the past — because the totalitarian world had begun to break up and there were new possibilities for France to explore outside the West .
14 And doubts were expressed as to its value given the conceded fact that only a small dent was likely to be made in the pigeon population .
15 This committee was likely to be more responsive to lobbying and pressure from parents of children already in ‘ mainstream ’ schools and from the huge workforce in mainstream and specialist education .
16 It was also suggested that should the Chancellor need to make urgent calls to the International Monetary Fund , his telephone at home was likely to be more secure than calls from a hotel in Blackpool surrounded by journalists .
17 For this , he was convicted of distributing insulting material whereby a breach of the peace was likely to be occasioned .
18 However , because I believed that much of this increased protein synthesis was likely to be associated with the production of new synapses , or the modification of old ones , it was important to look not at proteins in general but at synaptic membrane proteins in particular .
19 Unfortunately those clergy who had so eagerly and diligently defended and justified the war were likely to be engulfed and damaged by the pessimism and disillusion which its failure provoked : pacifism was commonly embraced by the lollards .
20 Yesterday , however , when asked by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , if such a junction were likely to be approved now , Mr Cooksey stated : ‘ Looking at it with today 's knowledge I would have been reluctant to accept it .
21 It became a pattern to work in Paris after a season or two in England but if a replacement was urgently needed , any dancer who caught her attention was likely to be shipped abroad .
22 But hopes of an early offer were dashed yesterday when Peter Bonfield , chairman and chief executive , said the flotation was likely to be later rather than sooner because ICL could not meet the Fujitsu criterion of sustaining a market price of 225p a share .
23 Should the person in charge of the chart see any item that was likely to fall behind , he pinned a flag at this particular point , and if the article was likely to be held up for want of raw material a blue flag was pinned up ; but if this delay was due to one or other of the works departments getting behind with the manufacture , a red flag with a numeral upon it was used , which indicated the shop or department .
24 Sir John said the pace of recovery was likely to be slow and they remained cautious about the current year , with slow but steady recovery not being seen until 1994 .
25 When I asked Mr. if engineering approval was likely to be given , he said it was not , the reason being that BWB themselves are proposing to upgrade the whole length of the Union Canal towpath .
26 This group was likely to be younger than the first .
27 Sir John Houghton said 100 leading scientists from 50 countries unanimously agreed that climate was likely to be affected by greenhouse gas emissions from industry , principally carbon dioxide ( CO ) released from fossil fuels .
28 He predicted that the course record was likely to be broken with a time inside one hour and 50 minutes .
29 I would n't put it into a company where the profit record was likely to be poor , because the last thing you want is for the share price to be lower than the option exercise price ’ .
30 The appointment of Shulamit Aloni , leader of the Meretz grouping , as Minister of Education was likely to be controversial in religious circles .
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