Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] believe to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that systematic use should be made of the words ‘ safety ’ , ‘ security ’ ( a word Labour was believed to be fond of and which might therefore be turned to advantage ) , and ‘ support ’ .
2 Violence was believed to be declining ; the last war involving more than two great powers had been fought in the Crimea , far away , and the assumptions which governed fighting were more humane than ever before .
3 The alternative was believed to be another Great Crash.The maxim ‘ Waste not , want not , ’ became obsolete too ; ‘ waste not , work not ’ was the new fear .
4 Soviet Kurds numbered 152,952 according to the 1989 census , although this figure was believed to be substantially underestimated .
5 Although her candidacy was dismissed in most quarters as irrelevant , she was potentially the best-funded of the candidates ( although much of her wealth was believed to be inaccessible in frozen Swiss bank accounts ) and had the advantage of the remnants of her husband 's huge patronage network .
6 Souter 's judicial philosophy was believed to be conservative in that he was an advocate of " strict construction " — the belief that judges should interpret legislation — including the Constitution itself — narrowly and in accordance with the original intentions of its creators , and " judicial restraint " — the notion that the judiciary should intrude as little as possible into the political domain .
7 The 13th reform were believed to be sufficient to allow locos to work over the bridge and it is understood that 37/4 's will not be allowed over .
8 Toxic chemicals dumped in the unlined landfill site were believed to be responsible for leukaemia and birth defects among children of families living nearby .
9 In 1933 its total membership was believed to be about 300 , but the cost of a fund-raising appeal for £25,000 proved to be more than the sum collected and the movement went £800 into debt .
10 Sex difference unlike class difference was believed to be natural and immutable .
11 By Sept. 20 six had been arrested , including deputy speaker Ilijaz Ramajli ; of the remainder , it was reported on Sept. 24 that one had committed suicide , and that the rest were believed to be in hiding outside Kosovo .
12 The explosion was believed to be a protest by Moslem extremists against the novel The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie , published in the United Kingdom [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
13 The King 's criticism was believed to be in response to recent Saudi demands that he publicly apologize for Jordan 's position in the Gulf war .
14 The first Comintern Congress in 1919 devoted almost exclusive attention to events in Germany , where revolution was believed to be imminent .
15 Lawyers said the action for disclosure of the name was believed to be the first of its kind in Britain .
16 The reshuffle was believed to be a delayed reaction to the events of mid-1989 , with promotions being secured by those who played a role in the military crackdown on student demonstrators .
17 Hilali 's replacement was believed to be related to problems encountered in the organization of a new national examination system .
18 Also known as the Camel Leopardel , or the lybbarde , this beast was believed to be the offspring of a panther or leopard and a camel .
19 Garuda was believed to be enormous in size and , as it flew , the beating of its wings caused the earth to topple and monsoons to follow in its wake .
20 Even then , though , the intervention of a great man was believed to be necessary , and ability to pay was not alone sufficient .
21 The attack was believed to be a revenge killing after an incident on Dec. 23 , 1991 , in which 10 people of low caste status ( " untouchables " or scheduled castes ) were killed in a nearby village .
22 The crew of that canoe were believed to be among the first human beings to set foot on the Islands .
23 The equilibrium levels of income and employment were believed to be determined largely in the labour market .
24 The discrepancy was believed to be due to the fact that a proportion of the PCBs evaporate naturally when exposed to air as part of the treatment process .
25 For many years , the first proposition was believed to be the case .
26 Trade with Russia might survive if the Muscovy Company went out of business , but it was not easy to imagine that trade with Hudson Bay ( with all that it did for London furriers and re-exporters ) could continue if the Company lost its trading rights , and the Royal African Company was believed to be necessary for the slave trade until the 1690s , and the East India Company kept its position in trade with India for over a century after that .
27 ‘ You were right , ’ no harm in giving justice where it was ( for once ) due , ‘ the thief of the Château de la Ferté case was believed to be English .
28 An interesting gloss on the medieval understanding of Christ as a nurturing mother is provided by Caroline Bynum , who tells us that in the medical theory of the time breast milk was believed to be processed blood .
29 Although in theory sorcery could result in the target 's immediate death , this variety was believed to be difficult and dangerous to carry out .
30 In some of these areas , progress had been made but agreement was believed to be conditional on the outcome of the dispute over agricultural trade .
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