Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 Body position and movement also play an important part — although the fact that turns latch on to each other successfully in telephone conversations seems to suggest that these factors , like gaze , are perhaps not as important as might at first appear .
2 It never was when she invited him to meet her at the flat ; she was keeping him and Stock out of each other 's way .
3 We shall go on living , and changing , together , and this will mean , for all of us , more life , more being , a circle of love , a mystery , a stretching out to each other in the dark — ’
4 Others might call it drinking , smoking , eating , and taking the piss out of each other , but to these lads , these activities are a vital part of the job .
5 LEAs are under a duty not to discriminate in the carrying out of any other of their functions .
6 For there are other plates surrounding the Pacific Plate and they jostle and crash against each other , like ice floes at break-up time ; and as they jostle so they tide up against each other , pushing each other deeper , cracking and bending as they do so — only on a global scale , and with extraordinary consequences .
7 Kirsty and Sam the other night , they were punching shit out of each other were n't they !
8 Erm social exchange processes this talks about the rewards and costs of convergence up against each other .
9 In fact all levels should be able to interact and feed information back to each other .
10 Parents take comfort in the fact that even though their children are egging men on to beat the hell out of each other , it is all in the cause of good triumphing over evil .
11 It was the Irish Protestants and Catholics — they used to knock hell out of each other .
12 ‘ Knocking hell out of each other in the interview-room , I think .
13 Cos one office was playing the other office off against each other .
14 And as the particles go round and round this racetrack , it 's a bit like a car with its headlights going on , and as it goes faster and faster the car headlights more or less catch up with each other , you see what I 'm saying .
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