Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] likely to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Also , apart from legal considerations , in most situations , a seller who does not provide such a remedy is likely to be at a significant commercial disadvantage compared to his competitors , since the giving of such guarantees and warranties has really become standard commercial practice .
2 At the time of our patient 's presentation a survey of published works did not show any cases with both conditions , but subsequently a single case has been reported , suggesting that any association is likely to be weak .
3 Despite considerable circumstantial evidence that the causal agent in sarcoidosis is likely to be a mycobacterium no conclusive association that might influence treatment has yet been shown .
4 Which is fine for working with 24 bit images , for instance , but it is in the workaday 16 and 256 colour modes that the card is likely to be used most .
5 The teacher 's perception is likely to be affected by his feelings about the pupil , dented self-confidence through not being able to be a ‘ good enough ’ teacher to him , which a more objective analysis may help to restore .
6 The four-party Swedish coalition is likely to be split on the issue , with Environment Minister and Centre Party leader Olof Johansson under strong pressure to drop the project .
7 I find his thesis correct in general , but should like to add that the corruption which amounts to violence is likely to be suppressed in someone who has been trained to be a good little girl and can , as one of his own case histories demonstrates , express itself in other , less overt , terms .
8 Radical prostatectomy is likely to be one treatment arm .
9 In these instances our reaction to this great loss is likely to be much stronger , although it will have the same components of grief as any other unexpected loss .
10 Proving that the negligence caused loss is likely to be difficult because of the uncertainty of the results of that independent investigation : and the party making the allegation might have the damages reduced for contributory negligence in not having drawn the matter to the expert 's attention during the course of the reference .
11 Since the two views belong to opposed epistemological theories , neither side is likely to be easily convinced by the other 's arguments .
12 AIDS is likely to be part of our world for several decades — even if a cure or vaccine can be developed .
13 As the program time needed to send each step command is likely to be much less than 0.1 ms the processor has spare capacity for other tasks .
14 ‘ The end result is likely to be fewer farms and fewer farmers able to generate an economically and socially acceptable income from farm production alone , ’ says the report , Unemployment in Europe .
15 But , without other changes , the result is likely to be a ‘ society of barricaded self-defence , and a steady erosion of civil liberties ’ .
16 Those who take the view that capitalism operates to favour those with capital at the expense of those who merely have their labour to sell tend to believe that when new technology is developed and applied in a basically capitalist society the result is likely to be that jobs are degraded and the quality of working life of those in employment suffers .
17 The result is likely to be closer relationships between customers and suppliers , which could be good news : Japanese companies such as Honda Motor tend to choose a few preferred suppliers and stick with them , rather than playing the field , and this policy seems to have paid off handsomely .
18 If you stir enough of them together and stand back for a few hundred million years , the result is likely to be a chemical entity capable of reproducing itself — one of the fundamental differences between living and nonliving material .
19 The result is likely to be far fewer cautions .
20 The result is likely to be cultural homogeneity .
21 And do bear in mind that if you do n't hit it 100 per cent , the result is likely to be far better than a less than perfect pitch .
22 An aspirant to membership of the developed club is likely to be accommodating about rainforests , the welfare of Amazonian Indians , the ozone layer and a climate convention .
23 LAND at Llangollen Youth Club is likely to be sold by Clwyd County Council to a private developer for houses .
24 A more independent verdict came from the Oxford Times , which predicted : ’ The Oxford West and Abingdon seat is likely to be a neck-and-neck sprint to the finish between the Tories and the Liberal Democrats with Labour a more spirited also-ran . ’
25 Many had to work for a year under the threat of the axe and even those who survived continue to live in a climate of insecurity , not knowing when the next rationalisation programme is likely to be introduced .
26 Will the Minister confirm that the total cost of the Trident programme is likely to be over £23 billion , that it is a monstrous waste of money , that to hold nuclear weapons is immoral and that in the interests of world peace he should cancel the programme and provide useful work for the highly skilled people who have manufactured those awful weapons of mass destruction ?
27 For many the WIP programme is likely to be a stressful prelude to permanent unemployment .
28 Closure of Harefield Hospital is recommended , although the transplantation programme is likely to be maintained at a different site ( at Northwick Park , the Royal Brompton , or Oxford ) .
29 The programme is likely to be as per attached .
30 Their optimism is likely to be heightened by the news that the Department of the Environment has also rejected plans for a retail development on Green Belt land near Orpington and has awarded costs of £250,000 against the developers Prudential Assurance .
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