Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pos pn] mother [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Nina resumed cracking nuts , adopting exactly the same grip on the hammer her mother had demonstrated , and successfully opened quite a few .
2 She wore it with a pair of new white sandals and a lacy white cardigan her mother had knitted for her .
3 She had a job , a house and enough money to live fairly well ; in fact she had been quite surprised at the amount of money her mother had left her .
4 Of course her mother had had a sister — Elaine .
5 The smell of antiseptic , and the helpless waiting , brought back powerful memories of the visitors ' room two years ago , where the doctor had come to break the mind-numbing news that during a routine operation to remove her appendix her mother had died of heart failure .
6 No wonder her mother had fallen in love with Chimneys .
7 No wonder his mother had shut it out of her mind ; it was all absolutely and completely ludicrous .
8 What did the lady your mother have made for flux in her household ?
9 Mr Recorder Worsley said : ‘ You have seen the suffering your mother has gone through .
10 Postine had loved guns from the moment her mother had passed a toy replica through the bars of her playpen .
11 Since moving back to Cliff Top my mother had boosted my grant .
12 Stray dogs and chickens wandered in and had to be shooed out , and in the winter evenings when her mother told stories about saints and piskies and dragon-fillers by the light of the fire , the neighbouring children would crowd in at the door to listen , so that after a while her mother became known as the best storyteller in Polruan .
13 On the way here this morning , the picture of the Carrie he had once known and played with … and loved , had been plain in his mind ; and the nearer he had come to the house where she now lived , he imagined the Carrie he expected to see would be merely an older replica of the one who had run out of his life the day his mother had hit him and knocked him out .
14 It had never seemed such a lonely , sad place since the day his mother had died .
15 It was a tale her mother had told fondly , over and over again , and every time her lovely face had been suffused with remembered joy .
16 And yet he had n't directly experienced the fighting in the city ; at the first sign of trouble his mother had packed Senga and himself off to England .
17 Lily remembered being cold , being hungry ; how before she went to bed her mother had scorched the skirting board with the flame of a kerosene lamp to make the bugs jump out of the walls .
18 Alice herself was of middle height petite was the word her mother had used — with small , delicate , but sharp features .
19 When he stood there was blood all over the white shirt his mother had dressed him in that morning .
20 Walking silently and in stealth over the harsh grass I remembered all the things an English gentlewoman should n't do , and the thing my mother had done .
21 In the end my mother had invited fewer than fifty people .
22 And what a month it 's been , ’ mused Breeze , and she made a peep-hole too , and looked out at the sodden fields where leggy lambs were standing in groups , obviously wondering what had become of the lovely sunshine their mothers had told them about .
23 She had come to pick up her mother 's possessions : the cracked Harrods dinner service , souvenirs of trips to Brighton and Bournemouth , the frayed and tired linen , the cooking pots , the scarlet tea cosy her mother had knitted , the family photograph albums she valued so much .
24 As she gathered up the bedding and cushions she had hung out of the windows to air before the evening earth began to exhale dew , she wondered whether she should fetch out her best mantilla , the white lace her mother had given her for her first communion , which she never wore because it seemed so showy , and had n't worn even yesterday for the Easter Mass .
25 Rosa had been crying then , with the pieces of the plate her mother had tried to smash over her head in front of her at the table , and her mother had put the back of her hand to her daughter 's cheek , as if to test her for fever .
26 As a teenage worker my mother had broken a recently established pattern .
27 In order to avoid the hot weather my mother had preceded my father to England , escorted as far as Jibuti by an official from the Sudan who was temporarily serving at the Legation .
28 One Christmas her mother had scalded herself on the turkey fat .
29 With a violent gesture , Katherine pulled her dress over her head , not bothering about the hideous bra her mother had bought her and forced her to wear to bind her small , pointed breasts .
30 At one stage her mother had felt she would make a good doctor and did all she could to encourage her to take up medicine .
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