Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] hardly be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She could understand the existence of such an attraction at a seaside resort , but this traditionally nautical stronghold could hardly be classified as such .
2 Some teachers pointed out that many of these aspects of their school were good anyway and therefore the review could hardly be expected to bring about any dramatic improvement .
3 In 1922 the capital of the guberniia could hardly be called a bastion of the proletariat .
4 McElroy 's confusion will hardly be reduced by the preparations for his forthcoming trip to Western Europe .
5 Conversely , a spirit of self-criticism and renewal can hardly be said to be absent from the religious sphere when one of the problems faced by institutionalized orthodoxies has been to contain the eruption of reform and sectarian revolt .
6 But other languages like Telegu , Bengali , Marathi , Tamil , Urdu , Gujarati , Kannada and Malayalam can hardly be ignored ; each is probably spoken by more people than the population of 145 of the member-states of the United Nations .
7 A cynical observer might argue that the assembly of a £5 million bid might easily be described as ‘ something being done ’ , and the failure of the attempt can hardly be viewed as a positive step , even if the debate on the estate 's future is now reopened .
8 The value of long-term rotation plan in solving this equation can hardly be overstressed ( see Figure 3 , p. 46 ) .
9 If ‘ the active experience of music ’ ( Adorno 1976 : 133 ) is held to take place now solely in the imagination , more ‘ functional ’ kinds of musical practice can hardly be condoned , still less allowed the possibility that they embody social critique .
10 That a decision may turn out to have this ultimate effect can hardly be blamed on the decider , who is unable to see that far ahead .
11 ( Askwith also mentions ‘ some 100 million birds and small rodents estimated to have fallen prey to domestic cats , although surely such a statistic could hardly be arrived at with any confidence . )
12 Even the profit based on the Coniston ore could hardly be considered handsome .
13 This chord for instance , could only be laid out in the manner indicated , but the blend would hardly be impaired at all owing to the thick reediness of the low clarinets .
14 Nimue or the Lily Maid would require a model and the Princess can hardly be asked for so much of her time , though I hope she may think the time spent on ‘ Christabel before Sir Leoline ’ was not wholly wasted .
15 A similar test can hardly be applied to legal advice .
16 The donor of a power of attorney who appoints as his attorney a person incapable of understanding the import of a simple transfer can hardly be allowed , if the donee signs a transfer without any understanding of what he or she is doing , to repudiate the transfer on the ground of a lack of understanding on the part of the donee .
17 For example , even if the essence of democracy is taken to be the process of choosing between elites competing to govern , the very business of choosing can hardly be confined to the visit to the polling booth .
18 The following analysis of the influence of armaments engineers on policy making also holds good for telecoms engineers : The key roles played by the corps of armaments engineers in making France 's arms complex run can hardly be exaggerated .
19 On the other hand , the City Council can hardly be blamed for wanting to sponsor large crowd-pulling cultural events in what is undoubtedly the most obvious place for them , right among the country 's leading museums and near its most prestigious concert-hall .
20 The chancellor can hardly be accused of complacency .
21 If we were to argue that , as a firm believer in the way of ahi sā and an unequivocal opponent of war with its brutalizing tendencies and degrading effects , Gandhi 's moral responsibility could hardly be regarded as extending to recommending people to fight for their country , it might seem difficult at first sight to know what his response would be other than that if a man is unable to choose the higher path of ahi sā , he should be encouraged to fulfil the obligations of the choice of the lower path of duty to his country .
22 Besides , such a prolific writer could hardly be ignored and his popularity moved through many decades by its own momentum , rather as Enid Blyton 's has done in the middle years of the present century .
23 Prior Robert might not have been very greatly grieved if Tutilo had been made to pay for his outrageous offence with his skin , but Prior Robert had been at dinner with the abbot and several other witnesses that night , and in any case could hardly be imagined as lurking in wet woods to strike down the delinquent with his own elegant hands .
24 The elongated , slightly oval hummock could hardly be called a grave , more a burial mound .
25 One local SD report stated frankly that after the November speech hostile opinion could hardly be registered because of the fear ‘ of being brought to reckoning ’ .
26 The conclusion could hardly be avoided that the Führer , who only a short while before had been speaking so confidently of imminent victory , had been mistaken .
27 Before the next match , the selectors debated long and hard over the England captaincy , the problem being that Emburey 's form had declined and his place in the team could hardly be justified ; their solution was to drop him and appoint Chris Cowdrey in his place , whose enthusiastic style of leadership had taken an ordinary Kent side to the top of the table .
28 There might be short-term problems within the EC but , frankly , one more of those at the moment would hardly be noticed .
29 For the teacher who favours the process model , a development like study skills or reading for leisure would hardly be seen as extra to the curriculum , and for some , even the enhancement of the physical environment can not be divorced from those learning experiences in which education consists : that is to say , " the medium is the message " ( McLuhan cited in Postman and Weingarter , 1971 ) .
30 The pertinence of these findings to police investigation can hardly be exaggerated .
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