Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [pron] [vb mod] put " in BNC.

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1 You say they 've got some sort of guidance , perhaps through the Magistrates ' Association , or maybe through some local starting point tariff if I could put it that way .
2 It got rid of the crap if I can put it that way , sorted out my priorities .
3 It is an exciting future because it will put linguists in the forefront to meet the greatest contemporary social challenge which is , as we see every day from our newspapers , language groups learning to live together within one country .
4 The jack plug was soldered on — which meant you could n't pull the lead out , you had to wrap the plug and lead around the neck before you could put it away .
5 Erm a few comments I 'd like to start with with Cleveland and the erm the idea that there 's there 's there 's there 's no problem whatsoever in accommodating erm the overspill if I can put it that way or the retention within Cleveland .
6 Well , I 'd like to qualify your question if I may put words into your mouth .
7 I am not interested in scoring cheap points in this debate about the underfunding of sport , but if sport is using underfunding as an excuse or justification for taking large amounts of money from the tobacco industry , the Government must address the question whether they should put more money into sport so that sport does not have to use that excuse .
8 Now what happens there some some , particularly motor companies , will ask permission if they can put some cars in front of the club house if there 's a photograph of the clubhouse and have them photographed .
9 I 'm gon na talk to Dave to see whether or not he 's finished his erm neighbourhood watch article whether they can put something in there about and then we hope to have a meeting with you to discuss victims and some erm press releases for that week .
10 He had left the Phillips screwdriver in the spare room after we 'd put the lid on .
11 Bunny was a young , gentle teacher though he could put his foot down when needed .
12 He had settled down on the settee , watching her every move as she 'd put the kettle on and taken salad and cold meat from the fridge .
13 q represents a square where one could put a piece .
14 This is one where I put the price up and then we went and wrote to him with a net price list showing a lower price than I 'd put up and we had to reduce it .
15 However , you will get more credit if you can put forward a solution which allows you to operate effectively with the staff you already have .
16 Officers would perform excellent service if they could put themselves in a position to receive information which could be translated into proceedings before a jury .
17 But this was because it was one-sided , they used to lock it from the outside and there was a catch on the inside as they could put in .
18 Would there ever come an occasion when she could put them on , together with the leghorn hat , or the felt , and the new shoes that she would buy herself ?
19 She invested the last word with as much scorn as she could put into it .
20 Say nr is the number of positions in this row where one might put a piece , according to the rules .
21 The entry in the list corresponding to row r is the number of positions in this row where one could put a piece .
22 Belle and I floored another hen betwixt the pair of us , and I shall be no sooner done with the present writing racket than I shall put myself outside a pint of Guinness .
23 But he was not comfortable with sharing his secret until he 'd put twice the distance between his confession and their ears .
24 Yes , we 're in competition and we want to be able to say to our members do n't go to that trade union because they will put you all in one lump , go to this one because we 've got sections , because we look at our members with individual needs and please support this motion .
25 Off you go now — and behave yourself , or I might feel obliged to tell a certain Whitechapel widow-woman where she can put her none-too-gentle hands on you . ’
26 Assuming that you have determined that the line is biased to starboard , and you therefore want to start near the starboard end of the line , there are still a number of considerations which you must take into account before you can put yourself in the right place as the gun is fired .
27 And that can detect erm tumours , body defects and so forth in a , in a non-destructive way if I could put it that way .
28 Jack and the vet ( who turned out to be an Irishman too ) drinking whiskey which they thought was brandy because I 'd put it into a brandy bottle …
29 Residents had to wait a year before they could put in claims and it 's only now that they 're getting their offers through , based on the district valuer 's assessment of the value of their homes .
30 Taplow , the poor sod as you would put it , was tortured , bullied , to say what he did in court but then Mandeville had to make sure he did not tell the truth afterwards .
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