Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] yet to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The main application is for the disinfection of process water but economic and performance advantages over chlorine have yet to be fully demonstrated .
2 Whilst the Conservative government was delighted to have sold back to the private sector one of its most difficult privatisation candidates , the impact of recent changes in the car industry have yet to be fully assessed .
3 Current proposals for further action have yet to be implemented , including that made by John Major ( as chancellor of the exchequer ) at last September 's Commonwealth meeting of finance ministers .
4 This is a welcome and long overdue development but at the time of writing the detailed regulations bringing it into force have yet to be published .
5 A spokesperson for the CRF says : ‘ The benefits of screening have yet to be proved by a massive random study . ’
6 His conclusion is that tales of cannibalism have yet to be proved — they are travellers ' tales rather than anything else .
7 ‘ It seems certain that even the small change in the balance of power between professionals and parents brought about by the Act have yet to be realized in a number of Authorities ’ ( Goacher et al .
8 Although the structure and powers of the new committee have yet to be decided , conservationists argue that the additional bureaucracy will slow down the process of designation , cost a lot of money , reduce the power of SNH and may result in designated sites losing their status .
9 Still , the final details of the Quebec package have yet to be determined , although it appears that the province wo n't be asking these people to renounce their right to sue .
10 Childhood is a time when full responsibility and citizenship have yet to be established .
11 For me , these brands of that particular period have yet to be surpassed for quality , character and value .
12 Their viability and importance have yet to be established but may be a contributary factory to peritoneal recurrence .
13 The implications of displaced terranes for the investigation of the relationships between tectonics and landform development have yet to be assessed .
14 The date and venue of the next Q.T. day have yet to be decided .
15 Although regulations concerning the duties of an independent examiner have yet to be issued , there is an implication that such a person would charge little or nothing for their services .
16 He might , for those reasons , be an attractive compromise candidate for the job of post-1997 chief executive ; but his abilities as a manager have yet to be underpinned by the more visceral instincts of a committed politician .
17 Some important planks of the policy have yet to be clarified , however .
18 Other venues for the exhibition have yet to be finalised .
19 The details of this transaction have yet to be agreed with holders of minority interests .
20 The full effects of the new language-teaching have yet to be felt .
21 These other features of the model have yet to be fully developed and experimental evidence that might allow us to evaluate them is sparse .
22 For example , statements that young girls deliberately or increasingly conceive in order to secure local authority accommodation have yet to be substantiated .
23 The precise nature and length of the transition period to Europe 's monetary unification have yet to be determined while agreement on the political and economic structures required for the Community 's monetary union to be durable is unlikely to be reached before the mid-1990s .
24 One hundred theatre seats have been reserved — the price per person and the date of the trip have yet to be confirmed , subject to initial response .
25 Benefits to patients are obvious , but the theoretical long term savings in cost have yet to be confirmed .
26 The water boards are always prepared to discuss pressure and purity , but whether they will do anything about it is another matter , and the effects of privatisation have yet to be seen .
27 Sales policy for the ODT Small Disk System have yet to be finalised .
28 The dates of the ban have yet to be decided , but it is unlikely to prevent Roberts scheduled comeback in Britain on 25 March .
29 The far-reaching social impacts of Britain 's prolonged economic recession have yet to be studied in detail by social scientists .
30 The implications of both Haringey and Cleveland as indicators of the meaning of family life and sexual choice at that time have yet to be explored .
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