Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] for half " in BNC.

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1 So I took another — four hundred and thirty this time — and a seat and waited for half an hour .
2 These are confined to the Coccoidea , where the best known is carminic acid , the colouring principle of cochineal , found in the eggs and fat body of the female Dactylopius coccus and accounting for half its body weight .
3 Before taking my temperature I was neither allowed to breathe through my mouth for ten minutes nor to take food or drink for half an hour .
4 No sooner had you got used to being able to have the lights on whenever you wanted , than you ( or Dad ) had to trail down to the BP station with a jerry-can in your hand and beg for half a gallon of four-star .
5 Paul , her husband , generally left before seven and had lunch out with one of his friends , while she used her free day to take care of a thousand chores more annoying than the duties of her job : she had to go to the post office and fret for half an hour in a queue , go shopping in the supermarket , where she quarrelled with the saleswoman and wasted time waiting at the check-out , telephone the plumber and plead with him to be precisely on time so that she would n't have to wait the whole day for him .
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