Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] control of the " in BNC.

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1 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
2 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
3 By order of Master Miller dated 2 November 1990 the following point of law was ordered to be tried as a preliminary point before the trial of the action , namely whether the council could maintain an action for libel for any words which reflected upon the council as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund , and whether , if not , the statement of claim disclosed a cause of action .
4 ‘ whether the plaintiff … can maintain an action for libel for any words which reflects [ sic ] upon the said plaintiff as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund …
5 ‘ of and … concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund the following words …
6 I would allow this appeal and in answer to the first question raised by the preliminary point of law declare that the council can not maintain an action for libel for any words which reflect upon it as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund .
7 Hence law and order , the maintenance and control of the dangerous classes and the preservation of public order have been ideologically central to its construction of consensual support .
8 Direct ownership or control of the means of production is no longer the exclusive criterion for serving the interests of capital , particularly not the global interests of capital .
9 Good estate management should result in the landlord maintaining an even balance of trades but the following clause is nevertheless prudent : Not to permit or suffer any [ adjoining or neighbouring premises in the ownership or control of the Landlord ] [ other premises in the Centre ] to be used for the business from time to time being carried on in the Premises
10 Access into these compartments is only provided for maintenance work and control of the extinguishing system should be provided externally in addition to the provision of internal automatic devices designed to operate the system .
11 The group , headed by Stanley Kalms , said his resignation would ‘ enable him to concentrate fully on the financial management and control of the group 's retail businesses . ’
12 Secondly , the LEAs will be required to delegate many of their responsibilities for the management and control of the schools ' budget share , and for the appointment and dismissal of staff , to the governing bodies of the schools ( and of the larger colleges that remain under LEA control ) .
13 Security police documents in the hands of the press suggested that as well as funding the union , the police collaborated with Inkatha in the management and control of the union .
14 ‘ Weaknesses in the staffing , management and control of the project contributed substantially to its shortcomings , ’ the report said .
15 There 's breathing and stamina and control of the body .
16 From that point of view , it is a pity that Philip Shearman who has a distinguished reputation , does not offer the student his alternative opinion on the current important issues of government regulation , global alliances , the auctioning of airport slots or , for that matter , the strengthening hold and control of the marketplace by the large travel agents and CRS ( computer reservation systems ) .
17 It can create problems over the ownership and control of the business .
19 There is a second and more important way in which corporate organizations and wealthy individuals use financial muscle to weaken electoral competition , namely , their ownership and control of the mass media .
20 The power of the ruling class derives from its ownership and control of the means of production .
21 The power of the ruling class therefore stems from its ownership and control of the means of production .
22 I am also informed by the general counsel of the board that the [ defendants ] and [ their ] agents also appear to have made false and fraudulent statements to the Board of Governors regarding the ownership and control of the bank holding company and one of the other two banks referred to above in violation of two criminal statutes applicable to false statements made to a U.S. government or bank supervisory agency ( 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 1005 ) .
23 Such combines are still common , in various forms , but further problems of capitalization , marketing and integration of production have led to the widespread appearance of the conglomerate , within which ownership and control of the means of cultural production become a sector within the wider ownership and control of a much wider ( non-cultural ) productive and financial area .
24 By making this distinction , Miliband sought to account for the fact that the state is not always an instrument of the ruling class , even though , in terms of ownership and control of the economy , a ruling class clearly existed .
25 A partnership is created in which ownership and control of the programme is vested in the client organisation and in which Henley 's role is to facilitate definition , design and implementation .
26 The preparation and control of the financial plan or budget is an integral pan of the process of management .
27 It drew a distinction between this and the Chief Constable 's responsibility for the direction and control of the force .
28 The written observations submitted to the court are described below under two headings : the nationality condition , and the conditions relating to residence and domicile and to the place of operation , direction and control of the vessel .
29 The conditions relating to residence and domicile and to the place of operation , direction and control of the vessel
30 The condition relating to the operation , direction and control of the vessel meant that the orders for those matters must in fact come from the United Kingdom .
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