Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] making it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sucking the wool and making it damp enhances the lanolin odour , and this keeps the cats contented and fully absorbed in their sucking and chewing .
2 She watched his hands on the wheel , wanting them touching her , stroking her skin , caressing her body and making it come alive .
3 To make up an improvisation using this material is part of their trade , and their habit of working at a certain familiar phrase and making it develop and grow produces music which we can all grasp and remember , especially if we know the performer 's style well .
4 Their evolution is governed by the nuclear reactions going on inside the star and making it shine .
5 He was doing it again , saying one thing but making it sound like quite another .
6 The authors identified three options before them : first , ‘ planning ’ , starting again with no preconditions ; second , total dispersal ; and third , ‘ conditioned yet comprehensive planning ’ — retaining the old structure and making it work under modern conditions .
7 This point is made in the Report by quoting Henry Sidgwick 's suggestions for propagating the " noblest " culture and making it prevail :
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