Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] [is] [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 As a result it is often difficult to analyse the errors of a probabilistic system in an effort to improve its performance .
2 In looking into the future it is always difficult to tell which changes are going to happen within the system as we know it ( democracy , capitalism , banks ) and which changes are going to alter the system — itself .
3 In practice it is often difficult to define bibliographical types in a way that gives a reliable guide to content , and the selector is best advised to look at each bibliography individually .
4 Your comment that there should be ‘ a clear distinction between medicolegal intervention requested by the police and health care ’ may be an ideal but in practice it is often difficult if not impossible to distinguish clearly between the two .
5 In practice it is very difficult to get two such small nuclei to collide and fuse , in beams of billions most of them simply miss one another .
6 In practice it is very difficult to decide what is representative ; perhaps the best method is to make a general study of several sections from the same sequence before proceeding to detailed description and analysis .
7 Although , as we have seen , it is possible to step outside this framework , and find an alternative that seems to fit the life style of the person who has died better than a traditional church funeral , in practice it is extremely difficult to do this .
8 Although the method described above does give an explicit integral expression for V , in practice it is extremely difficult to evaluate this integral for arbitrary initial data .
9 For example , in practice it is extremely difficult to make a brain lesion that entirely removes one part of the brain while leaving the rest intact ; they are either too large or too small .
10 In practice it is extraordinarily difficult to tear ourselves away from that tiny part of the situation which has attracted our attention and aroused our emotions , in order to consider the whole .
11 In practice it 's very difficult to measure the P H of sea water .
12 There are a whole range of things he ca n't do , he ca n't direct congress , he ca n't appoint who he wants freely , he ca n't make treaties with whom he wants when he wants , he ca n't start wars if he wants to start wars all these controls are on the president but what I , what er Newstat is saying is , over and above that , even in the areas where he appears to have constitutional authority , as a matter of practice it 's very difficult for the president to exercise his authority and when the president does exercise his authority he does so at great cost to himself .
13 But in a highly stratified , caste-like society like Bali with a complex division of labour it is understandably difficult to maintain the Chewong-like idea of peaceful interaction between individuals .
14 ‘ Whether or not the death was unnatural can often be a very difficult question to determine ; but , in my view , in cases where the cause of death is status asthmaticus it is less difficult than in many other situations .
15 Although ‘ breach of the peace ’ forms a cornerstone of public order law it is surprisingly difficult to say what the concept entails with any degree of precision .
16 In the case of an incomplete plan it is very difficult to fit in later what has been overlooked in the beginning .
17 On the telephone it is more difficult to communicate accurate information and avoid misunderstandings .
18 Rather than trying to bluff your way through , it is better to say something like , ‘ Right at this moment it 's rather difficult to remember the exact details , could I possibly look over the advertisement again ? ’
19 Once a man knows of his right it is more difficult to say that it was not reasonably practicable to give notice within a reasonable time .
20 that in a shop it 's extremely difficult to go through all the
21 It 's at that point that many women start trying to get back into the labour market and at that point it is extremely difficult , so I think that we 're talking about a number of things .
22 ‘ It is difficult to make the transition because the normal prerequisite of a finance director is that they must have had board level experience and as a financial controller reporting to a director it 's very difficult to get that . ’
23 When embarking on a study that addresses the information needs of an organisation it is often difficult for the project leader to ensure that the project is both cost-effective and comprehensive .
24 When considering the ‘ stars of the seasons ’ some allowances have to be made ; obviously the view from , say , Britain and the northern United States will be different from that in Southern Europe or the southern United States ; for example it is very difficult to see the Scorpion 's ‘ sting ’ from London , but easy enough from Athens or San Francisco .
25 War boars are really hard to control so when the boar decides to run off or charge madly out of control it is very difficult for the rider to do much about it .
26 ( ii ) By contra-indications in the rent review clause It is extremely difficult to extract any coherent principles from the decisions of the court in relation to contra-indications in the rent review clause .
27 The task of bringing up children is tough for any parent but for one man it 's particularly difficult .
28 And then it is extremely difficult if you are not white not to become very angry with life it 's very difficult and then you hear that in Trafalgar Square someone demonstrated Canon or or Barbara and then you say no !
29 In local government it is extremely difficult for a non-specialist to reach chief officer status .
30 In fact , as a social scientist it is frequently difficult not to make this son of assumption ( for a discussion of the analogy between psychology and photography , as well as the power relations between photographer and subject , see Beloff , 1985 ) .
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